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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Hi Jude, I unexpectedly caught sight of myself in a mirror earlier...normally I take a deep breath and prepare first....and I almost gasped. I looked awful. :o/
Just nipped to post a letter and that made me snuffle but hopefully I'm on the winning side, hope you are too.
Just arrived home and some bugger has lit a bonfire, so had rushed all washing indoors, luckily it was dry, but the big valence sheet and my pj's reek of smoke so they are in the drier with a smelly cloth, ooh I am furious, I hate bonfires, have had to shut all doors and windows!! Can't stand the smell lingering! I have also singed the ed peppers and onions and hey stink too!

Went out without my mobile, I was desolate, didn't know what to do with myself so I read the local paper.
I look awful before I tart myself up, and I don't wear much make up! I am all white and freckily and wrinkly, urgh, hate myself, trouble is I won't get better!!
I hate bonfires too, got a horrible feeling I'll be smelling more this summer, they've started charging for the brown (garden waste) bins and most people I've spoken to say they're not going use it. You can put garden waste into the black bin but if everyone does that they'll fill the lorries quicker and have to go back and empty them...therefore no money saved....pah!
oh btw the new M&S is slightly better on this big puta than on the kindle, but I'm still not keen. Unfortunately Debenhams have a whole load of things I like, some loitering in my basket :)
I like Collection at Debenhams, I can usually see a dress there that I like.
I only get buy when I am in the shop as I never knew what size I am, and could not be a***d to keep retunring things.
I don't like returning things, except to Next, they make it sooo easy. Trouble is things never look the same in changing room mirrors as they do at home and I often end up returning them anyway...and as for sizes, grrr...even sticks come in different widths.
back from WDYTYA, I had a DNA test there to see if I can sort out where my unknown great great grandfather came from. They have to send your scrapings to the USA for analysis but they should let me know in a month or so. I don't need to know the street, but the continent would be nice... or the subcontinent, since the suspicion is that he was Indian.

Came home so dopey I tried to get into the front door with my freedom pass... doh.
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Hello all
It's a grey drizzly day here and I've been everywhere
The baker ,Morrisons,Aldi and Lidl .I'm pooped .
Yes I thought M&S was better probably because on my old banger it used to take me half an hour to look at two jumpers because it was so slow .The only thing I saw that I may have bought was a shopper bag in animal print but on closer inspection I decided not .
Hope you snufflers are feeling better .
That all sounds very exotic and exciting Jno .
that's a lot of shopping you'll be ok 'til the weekend then? :)

Yes I wouldn't mind knowing which continent my greats came from...but the suspicion is that it's another planet.
my ggm was altogether too free with her favours. She had three daughters, all apparently by different fathers but nobody knows who any of them were. She did marry a month before having my grandmother, but nobody's fooled (and I can't imagine the husband was, either). I'd be interested to know the real origins, though.
arternoon all, have been running round cleaning and tidying, not for sis but for the sky repairman who comes tomorrow. I found out that (part of) the reason that I hate the the M and S website is that it doesn't work properly on Safari you think that they would have checked wouldn't you?
If we are really from Italian stock I'd like to think I'm related to Giorgio Armani or the Ferreros :)

Parts of the M&S site didn't seem to do anything on this kindle woofy.
yuo may have to settle for the Lollobrigidas, Robi. Personally, I think I am of chicken stock.
Lol...what we need is a great big melting pot...
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I'm very, very, very distantly related to the Bacons .
The Bacons of Norfolk and Suffolk .( Minor baronets)
So I must come from good old bacon hock .
You're not a beef bugger then shaney...haha..just saw your post.
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Lol....It's true .We fell about laughing when we finally spotted it .
Time for tea ...Ding !
George Gently tonight .
hello all...Sis here and we have gassed ourselves speechless...will read back tomorrow...oight oight all

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