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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
No jno you have misunderstood me, you were on the scrubland lecturing on who knows what? you never got past the Good Day, but you looked very becoming in a blue shirt! There were 2 biddies and 2 bystanders. I bet you were relieved when the cat woke me up too!!
Glorious day here but chillier than yesterday, I was quite cold sitting in the shade having a coffee (we locals always sit in the shade, we are not girries).

I have actually bought a pair of black flattie boots and a pair of black pumps from the charity shop, 4€ for the lot, don't usually like other people shoes but needs must when jno has been lecturing !!! :-) Off now to disinfect the insides!
GoodMiddayall. I wrote a longpost at8 this morningand deleted it by mistake. So here goes again. I'm on theLap top with crappyspacebarso you'll have to excuse me.

First of all good to see you Lottie. Come back for a littlelonger next time.

Robi if you leave hereexpect me knocking on your door to see whatsup. I still find it hard to believe that in all the wholewide world ourpaths crossed literally where we live about 9 years ago.

Neti you're dashing about a lot more than me at the mo. Keep it up. I'm improving after the last few weeks thank goodness.

Jno - hope the dentist is looking after you. Where are you off to next. I think you did say but I cant remember. Sorry.

Woofy. The problem with the dogs in your area must be a worry but I'm sure you'll keep them safe and I hoe it does get any nearer.
Pleased you had a good time with your sister.

Shaney. sorry to hear about your joints.I really consider myself lucky asI really don't have anythingmuch wrong with my knees and hips. My friends say it'sall the R & R I did but I'm not so sure about that. I just say thankyou to whoever is looking after me.

Yesterday was a busy day for me. Tai Chi,lovely lunch at a countrypub called The Royal Oak and then the Rams last night but the less said about that match thebetter. Mind you we didn't lose nor win!

Off to school in a bit then packing to go away tomorrow. I'm off South to see The Rams play at the Mad. Stad. on Saturday. Shaney askMr.S.he may just know what I'm on about!

Have a good rest of the weekand weekend. Will be in touchlike I do. Take care and I hope all aches and pains are kept at bay!
Laters 'gaters x

For you Woofy - correction - hope it DOES'NT get any nearer!
Hi Jude!...have a good.........bye Jude!

Yes jude you are still dashing about, my gas bottle on the cooker has run out and I cba to change it, they are so heavy, am making veg curry so it can wait, the main beef curry is in the mini oven so that will be OK.
oh, I was having to lecture while I was on scrubland? I suppose the Albert Hall had already been booked. I am going to a lecture on royal palaces tonight (OH's specialist subject). Still a lovely day here and we sat out in the sun eating mozzarella sticks and some chutney for lunch.
jno make sure that all members are wearing the obligatory blue baseball hats!
Hahaha shaney
No sun lounger here but I may uncover the tete a tete later Over here that would mean going topless as a tete is a titty!!
ooooh, I hope not, not before May is out.

It's official, there's a drought, my mini pond had dried up.
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Lol..nothing got uncovered here in the end .Neither tetes nor titties ! The sun isn't a hot as it looks and it was too chilly for me out there and I don't want to frighten the neighbours .
I amused myself instead by ringing my cousin and moaning on about my ailments ...hahaa....I've listened to enough of hers :)
It's now gone chilly and it has rained. I don't mind, best to keep the tetes covered up.
no point having ailments if you can't have fun with them Shaney.
I finally decided to drag the new gas bottle on a towel to the front door, and luckily Mr N turned up at that moment so I didn't have to lift it into the house and carry it through to the kitchen, must be getting old as not so long ago I would carry them from the storeroom up the patio steps and into the house on my own, admittedly bumping them on my thigh to take the weight.
well that was a very interesting overview of the development of the Plantagenet Great Hall and the significance of machicola.... oh, everyone's fallen asleep.
is that medieval coca cola jno?
you used to be able to get Inca Kola in Peru, though there were so many bullet holes through their posters I always wondered how popular it was. Invented by a British immigrant and tasted like bubblefum.
bubblefee, bubblefi, bubblefo, bubblefum, I smell the drink of an Englishman.
lol. I am one the wagon tonight, got some rather good san pellegrino blood orange fizz.
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Lol..I love that word ..Bubblefum .. Hahaa...New word of the day.I shall take every opportunity to bring it into my conversation .
Nothing exciting has happened here since I last spoke to you all.I've watched Line of Duty and Law and Order and now I'm going to bumble off to bed .
Goodnight all .Sleep tight

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