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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
good morning all. A stupid stuid plane passing over the house six inches from the roof woke us all at sparrow cough this morning so we came downstairs, comforted ourselves with biscuits and went back to sleep. I had those dreams that are so real that you are still living them when you wake up. Horrible.
Yes Neti its difficult. The infection is popping up all over the Forest and there's nowhere else to go. Happily the boys are happy enough in the garden and going out for car rides and so on. Last year, the last cases were reported in mid march, So I am sitting it out.

Lottie!!! hello!! maybe I need an MRI or a root canal to get me sleeping properly again. NOT!!!!!

A birthday party in the totes posh!

Neti its really worth taking some time to try on different bras, both styles and sizes. I was pretty amazed at how much I had changed both size and shape. I knew my old bras weren't comfortable....and I only bought them last year :( but I thought it was just my bodyshape and I had to live with it....not so, but a bit of an expensive lesson!

Beef and tomato sarnie for me which would be even nicer if I'd bought French mustard, this English stuff's crip.

Hi's colder today but still very spring-like now the sun's appeared. What's so bad that you don't stay around on here? I think I'll be around until there's no one left who wants to acknowledge me, lol. I often think about slamming the door behind me, some of the things I read make me fizz...but I'm a stubborn old biddy. :)

Yes a nasty dream can affect you all day...but woofy, the nice dreams that I'm still living when I wake up put a smile on my face for hours ;o)

Who needs bras? a couple of corn plasters on elastic does the job :)
Woofy where do you buy your bras? And what make are they?
Marks and Sparks because I can get them home, try them on, put various clothes over the top and then decide. This time I bought a load of various sizes, styles and materials, about 12 in total then had a huge try on session. Even two in the exact same size in different styles weren't the same fit. I just got really fed up with shoulder ache, sore spots, constantly adjusting straps and so on so decided just to go for it. I am well endowed, like underwired and also am a fan of Marks minimiser style but don't but only those. I honestly cannot stand the thought of going somewhere to be measured and fitted, so the DIY approach suits me fine.
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Hello all
Here I am back from the quack .Got Naproxen and have to have an xray on my hips and back Thursday afternoon .If that doesn't show anything then I'll have to have a scan .I just want to be able to walk from A to B without pain, leaning all the the place and having to sit down to do the most minor stuff.
The good news is all my bloods were good and my chloesterol is 4 !!
But ...I still have to take the statins :(
It's a glorious day here ..but chilly wind .Hope you're all well as .
Yoohoo Lofty .KBO gal .
Beautiful afternoon here, what should have been a 15/20 minute nip to the shops turned into an hour & a half, mainly nattering, the whole world's out and about. Lots of tales of woe and illness though.

It's good they're having a thorough look at you shaney. In the meantime I hope the drugs work...we'll have to start growing some special herbs ;)

Oh dear shaney, I cannot imagine how bad you must feel, I have hip ache but leap hither and thither with almost gay abandon! I have started to take my statins more regularly not every night but almost!

I got measured two years ago in M&S woofy, they were so kind and good but I was so embarrassed by my fleshy flesh bulging I would rather not do it again. I'll nip in this year when I am there, look at the bras and buy them if I can exchange them!
We are not allowed to exchange underwear in the shops here! :-(
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Lol..Neti ..I wish I could leap hither and thither ...hahaa...
I sit here and there .When I went to the hairdresser recently,only a ten minute walk ,I had to sit down at a bus stop on the way back .I hang on to the shelves in the library and I think they're fed up with me trying to leap onto the conveyer belt in Morrisons :)
Neti's gone all nonny nonny
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Lol......Sigh no more ladies ,sigh no more ...I'm converting all my sounds of woe into hey nonny nonny .
I 've just watched some catch up . Canal boats thingy with Tim West and Prunella Scales .What a lovely programme .They're so sweet and very obviously still much in love after 50 years together.It was really interesting and I can see the allure of drifting along through the countryside on a narrow boat .
What's "nonny nonny"?

I want to see the canal programme but cannot find it to download atm, hopefully it will appear soon.

Just watched Silk, her hair has grown since last week!! I did enjoy it.

Well off to the land of nod, well book reading actually.

Oight oight all.
have a nonny nonny on me
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Just cruising past to say goodnight .
That prog was on Channel 4 Neti .I watched it on the computer 'cos it was football on the tele for Mr S .I love this new computer ,it's so quick and I can watch and browse stuff without it freezing me on all the time unlike the old steam driven puffing billy:)
I've got a good book too ,Berlin Noir Trilogy by Philip Kerr so am off for a read and a hopefully good sleep .I wish you all the same ..Oight Oight
hmmm... they must all be out on their sun loungers.
Morning jno I dreamt of you last night. You were giving a lecture on scrubland here and there were 2 biddies wearing blue baseball caps. One was me and the other was a pink rolypoly sweating man. I offered him my bed to rest in but he would not. Then the cat woke me up.
scrubland, that is my specialist subject, I can talk about tumbleweed for hours with examples scudding across the room.
good morning would need to be an overcast-with-mist-lounger here but the sun is peeking through. I have coffee and the dogs are asleep...same old same old really.
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Monring all
It's a lovely one too.Hope you're all ok .
No sun lounger here but I may uncover the tete a tete later when the sun gets round the back and have a sit out if it stays sunny .
And it's monring from me that where we sing nonny nonnies shaney? :)
No sunbeds here either, it's dull and chilly so I'm trying to be domestic...more slopland than scrubland though.

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