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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Morning folks, I love it when a biddy goes loopy with the words.

Was going to wash the bedding but it is very overcast and some b****r has a bonfire smoulding in the distance and I hate the smell.

Nothing much to report, hope you are all well, and slept well.
Morning all. I'm bumblin' off now. Byeeee!
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Morning bubblers
Another bright sunny day . I could get used to this .Hope you're all ok .
Nothing exciting here just an Xray this afternoon ,perhaps they'll locate my brains .
Have a lovely time Jude.
mornng all, bright, chilly and misty here, also a bit noisy as neighbour is getting a tree removed. I have got to sanitise my bedroom today as a man is coming tomorrow to measure it for new carpet.
I am on a mission, still no nws of the mobile I sent for repair underguarantee and the shop is trying to fob me off, so I have written emails, and letters to the manufacturers, I am bubbling inside with anger at the shoddy treatment we get over here!!
Err jno, how can I put this?? When you were here making a speech on scrubland, there were only 4 people bothered to turn up, so do not count your chickens!!
neti, if you became an Ibiza tourist attraction the government would provide cleaning ladies to improve your site; you'd get an address, and a bus stop with your name on it.
I have been a tourist attraction, well tourists seeking me out. If people want to see me and no one knows where I live, they ask in the English bars or restaurants who then get in touch with me. Usually friends of friends or long lost friends!!
ah, now here's a nice knitting idea, I especially like the one with the Penguin dustjacket and little logo
surely that is a joke jno??? even a poorly penguin wouldn't want one of my knitted efforts!

Just made a very nice Toad in the Hole, it took ages in this new mini oven but for the last 15 mins I put the grill on too and it was perfect, well pleased. Mr N enjoyed it as did I. But am sick and tired of cooking, just cannot think of anything different to do.
woofy, have you ever heard of an abcess on the brain, a young friend (23yrs) has had a headache and earache for ages, she finally went to doctors in Eastbourne last night and they carted her off to St Georges, and this morning they drained the abcess, haven't heard any news, is it serious do you think??
yes I have come across it. Degree of seriousness is very variable, as is cause....better outcomes now than used to be. If she managed to get herself to the doctor, I would be feeling more positive than if she had collapsed.
Good morning am off to the big city in a while.

Woofy she's had it drained I think but is in a lot of pain and there is still a "rix of invecsation" this may be her muddled state, ever heard of it, will Google later.
..Sorry woofy have read it again and she means Risk of infection!! silly me.
risk of infection maybe, is her tongue doing autocomplete?
She's rather confused but doing well.,
snap jno, same answer, same time. Yes she is confused and fretting for her kids.

Am off now to Ibiza on the bus, well it's a treat for me these days, wish I could gallivant, but there's nowhere to gallivant, wait till I hit the UK!
loving bubblefum :)

Morning all...these lovely days are too good to miss a minute of. I would say they're doing me good but I do too much and end up krackered. I've got painful swollen fingers on one hand and a burst blood vessel on the back of the other, eww...the swelling's gone down but it looks like I've given somebody a left hook. It'll do wonders for my flagging street cred :)

What a nasty do that helicopter crash was shaney...and not too far away from you I think?
I'm failing rapidly. Trailed round the narrow streets to find the shop which has moved only to find it doesn't sell what I want anymore! Got hip ache so am having a coffee and croissant. Will trail round some more after my rest.

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