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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
good morning all. best wishes for the eye op jno.
We slept last night, it was lovely. Might even get some work done today.
Morning...bit brighter and calmer so far.
Yes, hope it all goes well jno. At this rate you'll be able to go up the Shard and see us all pegging out...even Neti (she's the one in the zebra onesie with colour coded pegs)
Dressed for spring feels like autumn, hey ho. Nothing sorted they are months behind with the denuncias, so am having a coffee and guess what? A crumbly croissant.
I am the one in the leggings and boots and horror of horrors am toting a bra around in my bag, as I took it off yesterday pm at home and put in bag for the time being!! Mustn't bring it out to mop my fevered brow!
haha, lol neti...many moons ago I was looking over my shoulder in a mirror & earwigging a conversation in a night club ladies cloakroom whilst ferreting around in my bag for my lipstick. Without looking I held it up to remove the top....and it was a lil-let. (Sorry if I'm repeating myself but after ten years I'm running out of drivel).
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Morning all two .
Dull but dry here .Hope you're all as well as. Nothing going on here .

I found us a gardener shaney....
Result, had a phone call from the shop saying there is a new mobile phone waiting for me, and the Consumers office haven't done a thing yet as too snowed under with complaints. Yesterday I wrote an urgent letter (cost 8€ to post I was that desperate!) to the manufacturers, and they have instructed to shop to get on with it and goive me a new one! Biddy power!!
I used to prefer Lil-lets but not for putting on my lips, way better than the other one!
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Ooh I say ..he's a muscley mowerer !
Oh well not much in the Budget that helps us but at least he's frozen the duty on Scotch :)
afternoon all, am wearing an eyepatch until tomorrow (and at nights for a week or two to stop me rubbing) but it all went well apart from the cannula business, which was really painful. I was the first one done, thank goodness, as I was last when I had the other one done and had to wait for hours.

I have the text turned up to the max (as I can't put glasses on over the patch) but trying to avoid any bending down as this discombobulates the new lens, which means I can't really see the keyboard. Typo heaven.
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Well done Jno .Hope it all becomes clearer asap .Look after yourself .
I am now even more one-eyed than usual. I should probably head straight for the News section and kick people.
Arr jno me hearty!!!
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I'm in the mood with Glenn Miller ,then I bopped( sort of ) to Chubby Checker and air guitared along with Hank Marvin
I've just ordered some CD's for my bro for his 80th .
Have an earworm ....
lovely Shaney....real music. jno take it easy. I don't think I am either gaining or losing in the budget.
Well done jno, no bopping tonight.
If it's any consolation I haven't been able to see all afternoon, the nagging headache turned to migraine...pee po belly bum drawers :(
Sorry I can't add much to your virtual band shaney, I can only manage a ting on my air triangle.
I'm sure the Nicholas Brothers had more joints than I have - and more teeth, of course
love that shaney. But air guitar?? You would look like Mrs Doubtfire, I do not do air guitar!! I bopp, I bounce I sing and I twist and turn on my lonesome, not never air guitar.

Yay got the brand new phone, I will not be beaten!!
Evening all. I've made it at last. I've read all your posts but it would take me all night to comment on everything. I've said 'ooo and ahhahhah' and 'how funny'and 'I like that and I'm sorry about that' and 'hope all's goes well'to youas I've read them so I hope you understand what I mean.
I had a great few days away and I've since had a busy week back to my usual routine and some gardening especially. Finally got the 'lawns' cut this morning.
This afternoon it was school. The rest of the time I've been playing on my new phone. I've a good deal with orange. £14.44 per month for a galaxy ace 3 and I get 1000minutes for land lines and mobile numbers. Unlimited texts and 500megawatsits. Love it.
Going to watch Law and Order UK now so I'll say oight oight all. Tomorrow I'm off to Live at Lunch in Nottingham so I'll catch up tomorrow night.
See yer later 'gaters

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