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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Just settling down to watch "My week with Marilyn"
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You'll love it Neti .It was fab .
Isn't Brannagh good as Olivier, looks exactly like him.
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He was fantastic as Olivier and Dame Judi was good as Sybil Thorndike.
I think they portrayed them all very well .Did you see the little cameo as they were walking to the film set of Norman Wisdom in the background .And of course lovely Michael Kitchen was in it ...
Oh I did enjoy that and yes I did notice Norman in the background I knew it couldn't be him but very convincing. So lovely and so sweet.
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It was a bit of a tear jerker really .
She was so lovely. I went to an exhibition about her years ago now in London at the County Hall Gallery .Wonderful photos,film posters and her dresses , jewellery and personal effects. She was very tiny by the look of the dresses .
Some of the jewels were stolen from the exhibition .
Hi Jno I'm pleased you had a good birthday and sorry I forgot to wish you a Happy Day.
Hello everybiddy I've caught up with all your posts and enjoyed reading the good and sympathising with the not so good.
I'll be back home tomorrow and back to normal so see you then.
Laters 'gaters
up late again, dogs have been hunting stuff in the garden, still it keeps them happy. oight oight all
Morning all....zzzzzz...didn't sleep very well, I'm krackered already and I've only been up for 2 & half hrs :( Better make the most of the dry weather, allegedly there's heavy rain and gales later in the week.
No wonder I couldn't find what I's ACTImist spray (for sore, dry eyes), not OPTImist....dozy woman I is....but I like to think positive. :)
optimist spray, I could do with some of that, a little eau de lottowinner.
bottle it and sell it jno, I would buy it. Spent last night having cramp in various areas of my body. I am so fed up with having a body.
Morning all. Lovely day here again. I have had to clear my washing machine drain with caustic soda which all burst up at me, but hopefully it will have cleared, daren't ask Mr N asit'll be my fault!!

Oh I am common, I actually wore legging with boots and a long blouson top, first time since the 80's that I have worn leggings, but felt OK: It'll be leopardskin tomorrow!
one day you're the leopard, the next day you're the zebra, that's life on the Serengeti for you.
lol @ jno!!

I haven't cleared the drain at all, the machine water is merrily wending it's way down the side of the house, damn and blast!!

This woman lived here in the 70's and always claimed to be MM's daughter! We never believed her!
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Hello all
Not a bad day weatherwise ,hope you're all as well as .
Nothing doing here .Same old .
Just made meatballs for dinner, was watching Supernanny and the kids are right brats, I've never seen anything like it, I'm afraid my hand would have slapped them more than once!!
lend me your hand Neti, I asked a simple factual question in H and G and the witter has started.
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I'll come and slap 'em with me fly swat Woofy :)
I rarely ask a Q on here these days apart from the odd crossword clue and I would never ever ask anything personal ! I did have a bedroom painted in satin finish once upon a time but it was soon gone over in matt .It was a big room and it all looked too shiny .
It's been an uneventful day here .Just watched Silk .Very good and getting very intriguing.
Goodnight all .Sleep well.

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