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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
ha ha shaney, help yourself, i am getting some sense now but the witter is annoying. i deliberately didnt mention the colour thst i had chosen, otherwise there would have been the alalanche of opinion on that and i couldnt have stayed polite. thanks to jno for a sensible answer. i wore my pearls today and caught the bolt ring ctch down the quick if a nail putting it on. tiny tiny mark but its as sore as hell
well, it wasn't really a very helpful answer because I can't be sure the way things look in our house is anything like they way they'll look in yours. In the light the satin looks somehow harder and the matt looks softer, but that's rather unscientific and I don't know if it applies to all colours, or just pale yellow
well but at least it was sensible and not going off at some tsngent about personal preference or smooth walls. Cant sleep again tonight, black thoughts again booger it.
Morning all. Our walls are all lumpy and bumpy but that's cos they are rock and mud, even though they are rendered and plastered. I wish I had chosen a grey for two of my walls instead of this vibrant fuscia, which isn't what it looked like at all in the catalogue when they made it up. But of course it took Mr N days to paint it so daren't suggest we redo it, plus at 25€ a small tin, cannot afford it.
I watched Great canal jouorneys last night, it was so good, I thoroughly enjoyed it, although she does whitter on a bit. And I am way more forgetful than she is! I've always wanted to do a canal barge holiday but looking at all those locks there is no way, some of them frighten me, the tall dark ones.
they were right about smooth walls, though I don't know why. Somehow imperfections seem to show up (slightly) more with the satin, maybe because they create tiny shadows that make it look darker or something. It seems not to happen with the matt, though I know the bedroom walls are no more perfect than the ones in the hall. I'm sure there's some scientific explanation, possibly related to the Big Bang.
Morning all... I was having dark thoughts at 5.30am...a psychiatrist would have had me carted off :)
It's a bit chilly and black clouds looming. It had better stay dry long enough to dry the washing.
Other than for pegging out, if anyone sees me heading for the garden pleeeeaaaase drag me back in. I know I'm making myself ill, I feel pretty grim, and all I've done is some weeding and a bit of dead stuff snipping. I just love to do it :(. I love diy & decorating but I can't do that now either.
All things considered I think you did pretty well with your question could so easily have been the 'experts' chatting above your head about extending poles and sagging drawers. :o)
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Morning all
Dull and cloudy here .The outlook looks a bit hit and miss for the next few days. I know the feeling Robinia .The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak .
Hope you're all as well as otherwise .
I don't know what I'm going to do today. Get on my own nerves probably :)
good morning all. A pleasant sunny day here, we are all quite sleepy but ok. Robi step away from the pruning shears. Neti, I am a bit OCD about colour, have bought loads of testers and painted loads of bit of A4 card then taped them to the wall in various places before bringing it down to two to actually paint tester squares on the wall. I am wibbling towards the darker shade, still pale but darker than the really pale one, because I think the pale one might just look like dirty white.
osteopath is coming round as he has given up on working in Brazil, apparently. His dad says he suspects a woman is involved. I'd better not ask, he'll have enough to do prodding my back into place (and also that of OH, who is currently messing it up by mowing the lawn).
Absolutely noooo gardening going on here, it's cold and windy & has rained a bit.
I usually go for tinted whites but they have a habit of reflecting back whatever is outside...for instance this room, facing the garden, is a creamy white but often has a green tinge to it (bit like me).
I am in a mood for grey. a paleish tint so it looks like no colour.
ah I see what you mean about looking like dirty white...what about a blueish grey? You need to create a moodboard, lol. I'm in a mood and stiff as a board.
I find anything with a blueish tint or blue looks extremely cold, brrrr.
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Lol...I've just read the most hilarious comment in News .You are naughty Jno:) Things must be slow in R&S .Hounding left wingers instead of the religious must be the new hobby !
We're having a smashing time here .Mr S has dropped a glass pan lid which shattered all over the place and I've managed to snap the handle off me peggie .
I've just read on the news that the odious Ukip councillor who was elected here ( not by me I hasten to add) is facing fraud charges .Good!
lol @jno

snap! shaney...I snapped my peggie earlier too.
btw...There's going to be a third series of Mr Selfridge \o/
I actually want no colour. Loads of the grey paints around are bluish or greenish or brownish. I want the colourlessness of sea fog....going to news....I need a laugh.
can't find jno's comment, its buried under the torrent of yabber.
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Oh that's a tall order Woofy .Come and stay with me .You can have sea fog on a regular basis :)
Oh good oh .I love Mr Selfridge .It's the last one in this series this week,but we've got Endeavour to look forward to. I like Roger Allam .

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