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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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That's good Neti .It may be nothing at all but best to make sure .
Could be a sort of neuralgia or dare I say arthritis in one of it's many forms.
It's still a lovely day here but it's cold .
Thanks shaney but, no it is definitely a serious brain tumour!
Lol, thanks to typos, predictive text and brain fog we're gradually inventing our own biddy language.
It's probably coming from your neck neti, as shaney says it could be arthritis...or maybe a trapped nerve from shaking your maracas.

It's been a thoroughly miz day here and the only thing I've shaken is ketchup.
Earworm du jour :)

Hi all. Neti have you been eating chocolate. That can make your head ache.
happy birthday to your brother Shaney. Have a lovely-getogether.
Hope the rest of you are ok. I've been to tai chi this morning and a lovely curry and naan for lunch.
have a good evening everyone.
Lol Robi! You nipped in before I posted. I still haven't got putting videos on here.
I have not been shaking marraccas!!
ah me, six hour wait to get some eye drops, that's twice as long as the operation took, but at least a junior doctor, a senior doctor, two students and the cleaning lady have all had a look at my eyes and said they're fine, except for something they described as "hundreds and thousands" in the eye that isn't itching. They think it might be a leftover from shingles I had yonks ago.

The junior doctor went over with the students all the awful things that could go wrong with cataract ops, but kindly broke off every couple of minutes to tell me "I don't mean you of course, you're fine." So I suppose I must be.
No jude, I do not like chocolate much.
well of course you haven't, neti
I have just moved my giant chest of drawers (huge mahogany victorian job) I have got one whole drawer of unworn M and S jeggings, probably more in my size than are on the M and S website, seriously. I am very happy about this because this year they have had less colours than last year so I suspect that they are going to rule them unfashionable and stop selling them, ditto the nice fine jersey boatneck tops they had last year...I've only got about a third of a drawerful of them and have worn most of them though!!
Oight Oight Biddyfriends every where. I'm I bed sulking cos The Rams list tonight. :-(
Good morning gaining and dark here. Sitting in a bar having coffee and a cheese and bacon baguette.
Raining I meant!
cheese and bacon at 7.30 in the morning? bleurgh. We woke up early too today, got up, were very lively in the garden and two of us are now back asleep again. I have coffee.
but it was 8.30 here as I had to drive Mr N back from the garage as his van is in for a service.My 91yo neighbour died on Monday evening so have to go to her funeral this afternoon. She was a really lovely lady and never lost her marbles. She sent her love and regards to everyone just before she died and even to me, so sweet.

My neck/head/face is killing me, so painful, one nostril won't stop running, one eye is weeping and one shoulder is aching like billyo, roll on mexico manaña.
Sounds like sinus infection to me Neti. Misery but easily fixed.
I think it's an infected gum or tooth, Goes from tooth to nostril to eye, but there's no way I'm going back to any dentist here, will get anti bi's from mexico! Feel in a right state today, have rubbed volteran cream into shoulder and neck and taken 600 mg of ibroprofen, think I need another party, forget all ills then!!
I also have cystitis!! (I think!)
nothing for it Neti, off to the knackers yard!

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