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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
you're not getting enough salt in your diet. Or maybe not enough cholesterol, it's hard to say.
so take 600mg of ibuprofen and monitor.

(ooo we are so medically knowledgeable aren't we)
Knackers yard here I come, feel really out of sorts today, may as well stay at the cemetery whilst there this pm.
ask if they can widen the grave a bit so you can have a little lie down.
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Hello all
Poor Neti ,you are in the wars .What you need is a new onesie .
Hope you're all as well as otherwise .
Had a nice time yesterday ,lovely meal but... phew..I'm not used to eating a three course meal like that of evening but I soldiered on :)
jno the graves are niches in a wall, no way can they widen or lengthen them, they could fold the body in half I suppose!

Am not even getting in one of these when I'm dead, awful places!!
Afternoon all..dull and chilly...Oh... and I've just spotted a brolly going by.

Lol @ woofy's comment "I have just moved my giant chest....." immediately following jno's link to bouncing boobs(tut)....Haha...was that intentional by any chance?

Pleased your eyes are ok jno....and Neti, I hope the send off all goes well.
Apparently I'm optimal today...well my BP is. My friend's given me a wrist monitor and it's so tempting to keep checking. Maybe when the midnight screamer next door is in full flow would be a good time.
Bet they could stuff me in a crack.
Robi, I am too refeeened to notice......but i wouldn't put anything past jno!!
actually in this case I think they were intended to be Neti's marraccas
I am desperately thinking of ways to get out of this funeral. It's a long way will have to climb up the hill to the church, I feel rough, can't wear casual clothes and I am cold! also I am sniffing and have blocked head now!!

oh yes, those were maraccas, which must be Spanish slang for something or other. Well, okay, other options are a Viking funeral on a blazing longship (at least that would clear the guests' sinuses), or being put on a platform by the Ganges so vultures can dispose of you.
I'm back, could hardly breathe after hiking up there. Wore black trouser suit with white blouse and black n white spotted chiffon cravat as a tie, I was the best dressed one there. I was the only blonde there. Red bald pates and silver ones black and silver. Think the padre thought I was a visiting angel. Service all in Catalan but I couldn't hear it anyway just a few hosannas here and there and El padre knocking back el vino. All flowers were left on car so it was very bleak.
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Well done Neti .How did you get on the Mexico ?
It's been a dreary day here ,raining on and off .
I have no motivation today at all .
Lol ..Robinia .BP monitors are addictive :)
they checked my BP before the op and it was 143/80 - not high because I was worried or stressed, as I wasn't. After the op it was 123/73. Then again half an hour later it was 130/something. It must be like a yoyo in there. The mexico referred me for a checkup weeks ago but I've not heard back yet.
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Lol..Jno MiL was addicted to hers .She was forever checking it .
We bought one ages ago,I think ,from Lidl ,it's languishing in the cupboard now as we got a bit obsessed with it ..hahaa.
No mexico until tomorrow @ 11am.

My mexico gets cross with me as I rarely check my BP, Mr N bought me one from Lloyds chemist in England.

Cold here now, just want to get my aching body and head and all else to bed.
According to this monitor I've died twice in the past few hours. It might be a tad inaccurate.

Get some rest neti....I've found a nice soothing earworm...oops... tune for you
Oh poo, even the earworm's dead

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