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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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You guessed right there :)
Hi all just enjoyed your latest posts. Neti you make me laugh with your predictive phone. Love it when I get some really comical predicts!
I've had a lazyish day cos yesterday I was at the dr. then school then out with the Cops. Citizens on Patrol. Didn't go far as there were only 4 of us and it was chucking it down. There was 1 councillor, 1 council worker and 2residents. That wasn't bad really as it could mean they didn't have many issues to complain about or they just didn't want to get wet. We ended up going into an empty pub having a chat to the new landlord and lady. Didn't get a drink! And I didn't have my purse so couldn't buy one!
Today all I've done is nip to the shops and watched Law and Order from last night because I fell asleep half way through and missed the end so I caught up on my laptop.
Going out now for an evening meal and a chat with my R & R friend from over the road. Looking forward as it's a while since we had a catch up.
Have a good night all! See yer later 'Gaters!

P. S. Dr says another month on Pentasa 1 a day! Can't wait to come off them!
Hi jude, glad you are still living life to the full.

Yes I must apologise for my phone's predictive text, and when I am not wearing my specs I can't see!!

Tom soup burned in the soupmaker! so had to transfer it to a pan, it was tasty just like heinz luckily as I can't stand other makes! Had a hot bath and now in bed with a water bottle on my neck, thank heavens it's not hurting as much now am taking aceclonificanaco (or somesuch) and myolastan which has been withdrawn from sale as a French woman came out in a rash, but I have them for my moving spine and so have lots left, the dr. grinned when I said can I still take them and I have a stash!
He has also upped my omeprazol for 3 weeks and says I may need an op.
blimey if they withdrew the offender every time I cam out in a rash, there would be nothing left. We had sushi and fresh strawberries for tea, lovely!
what do you need cut off Neti?
My acid reflux woofy!

Where have you been shouting the odds??
Ooops thought you were referring to some comment or other.

I agree stupid isn't it.
Hi all. Home now after a good meal and a latte. Plus a really good chat.
Listening to Elbow on BBC 2 now they're a really good group I think.
Have a good night. Oight Oight sleep tight.
Question Author
Goodnight from me too.
Hope your neck is easier tomorrow Neti .
Sleep well all.
oight oight all
Morning my little chickadees!

Yes my neck feels great today, drugged up to the hilt and a hot water bottle on it did wonders, slept like a log. It is such a relief but am worried it will return, so will keep taking the meds for a while. I take so many now mornings and nights that I doubt I'll remember them all!

Hope you are all feeling alright.
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Morning Neti and all
Sun trying to get out now but it was very dreary first thing .We had downpours in the night and a few claps of thunder .Looks as if the weekend should be nice .
Keep taking the tablets Neti ..I may drug myself up later and have a toddle to Morrisons . Just waiting for a delivery from the German Deli first though.
good morning all, tipping down here.
looks niceout... if I could see clearly... deep, satisfying sleep for four hours then suddenly woke up and that was it. So if I start posting nonsense it's because I have fallen asleep again on my keyboard
If I talk nonsense it's my phone's doing!!
yawwwwnnn... I hate not sleeping properly... last thing I remember I was giving some sober and sensible advice to TheHotGirl, and today she's vanished.... must have been too hot for her own pants... or maybe she was just a 14-year-old boy from Iowa, she sounded like it.

Was reading some labels in Tesco yesterday... got home and realised I didn't have my glasses. Tesco say nobody's handed them in so perhaps I dropped them in the carpark to be crushed by juggernauts. Oh well, I still have one pair that works. I have to get new ones for reading anyway, when my eyes settle down.
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I'm still waiting for my wurst .
Morning all...if I talk nonsense it'll be no change there then. I've abandoned hope about a regular sleep pattern.
Sun's in and out and the air pressure must be changing because I feel as if someone's pushing my eyballs out from the inside.

Keep taking the tablets neti.
sigh... still waiting for Tesco's to call back... OH has gone to an edible flower show, leaving me here with some edible hummus.
Isn't that annoying jno? I've just handwashed my glasses, I was wearing them whilst handwashing a teatowel and they fell in the water, they are remarkably clean now and ♫ I can see for miles, and miles and miles ♫ [shut up neti]

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