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Robinia | 10:33 Tue 09th Oct 2007 | Shopping & Style
328 Answers
Will you be rushing off to the new shopping centre in Derby (I won't) or, if you've already been by the time you read this, what do you think?


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I cannot get into biddythread on beta, it's just not in the recently answered messages, and my avatar went and when I redid itI got Robi's falling fairy! and I have no" message" or "friend on line" if you see what I mean.
Vin instructions please for moving avatars and don't be mean by not telling us!!
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bah! humbug...I'm not playing anymore...I've just tried another aviator as well as
< < this one...both had sparkly lights ( not added by me) & now they don't...grrrr
and where has the last page gizmo gone?

I can't get past page one on it either sends my computer all haywire and I get all these eggtimers and have to shut down and start again then normal AB timed me out all the time yesterday so I got fed up and went home .
In fact I'm fed up full stop .I have been sick and running in and out most of the day ..I hope I haven't got that winter sickness bug that's floating around .I may go to bed early ..I feel like something the cat's brought in and refused to eat.
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oooh, hope you feel better soon shaney x
evening peeps. hope you feel better soon shaney. netti try this site.when you upload and submit,if its not moving try another one.yo if there to big they wont flash(:O)
Poor Shaney hope you get better soon. My daughter has this also in Bar�a and feels so rough she even went to Casualty and they gave her some medicine to help. There's a party in her flat tonight and she's dreading the noise and smoke but is staying tucked up in her bed.

Well Vinny that's about as clear as mud. Firefox won't let me in that site.
Beggar that, I've completely lost my avatar again.
has a look round...bu66er nettis lost her aviatar....exit stage left..(:O)
oh neti, and that was your prettiest yet. Why not try a little local-styled number?
Morning Wakey Wakey..! only 16 days left to buy my prezzie..!all I can hear is combined snoring.Well its clear as a pint of becks to me netti.You find a site your firefox will allow make sure the aviators are the right upload a submit the bu66er....and if its animated in your little box..its a goodun.Anyways its persisting down out there and the winds are gonna be 80 miles a hour tonight and tomorrow..and ive got to climb a ladder and put me lights**e.!hehe..! catch you later dudes.(:O) yo
You see, this is where it all goes wrong - how do I know where to find a "site" in the first place, and then how on earth can I tell the size of the damned thing, it's just luck and a load of beggaring about. Oh dear all this technology.

Hope shaney is feeling better.
Morning All It's persisting down here. I'm on cat duty this weekend and my son and his wife have gone to London to see a show. Grease I think. I remember taking my son to see the film when he was 6 (he reminded me). Went out last night to the usual haunt. Had a bit of a laugh. When I got in I watched Rebus I had recorded. I love that programme.It's a sporty day today for me. Derby against M.United. (Not a word Vinny) Senior tennis and then the big fight. I really love sport. Not going out this weekend. Getting over the weeks dining out sessions. Hope you're feeling better Shaney and Neti you're braver than me I wont even attempt to change my avatar. See you all later have a good day. :o)
Sweltering here - have just been to Church Christmas fete (jumble!) and have bought a revolting red glittery xmas tree for the garden. Well, I'd have a becks or three!!!
Typical ! I can just imagine It ! It's not sweltering here's tipping it down and blowing like bgry.
I am still alive ....just ! Didn't get up until midday .
I haven't even got dressed yet ,feel betterish but very shivery .Must be some sort of gastric thing. However I have got a nice bit of lamb on the go .Mr S needs to be fed but I don't know if I fancy it ! It smells nice but I have no appetite.
Hope everyone is OK otherwise xxx
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bonsoir...dizzy of Derby here ...and I ain't touched a drop.
It must be this wild wind upsetting my equilibbyrium
Glad you're feeling a bit better shaney.

had a mail from Kit who's been desperately &
unsuccessfully trying to post so she sends her meatballs...sorry love... says she'll be sending us all a big fat cheque in the post for xmas...

lotto luck tonight

HaHaHa..thats brill never mind Kip.your make up fer it..books a day off next week to read kips post...hehe..! only yoking.Have a drop off mothers ruin Shaney.. that perk you up.Tried to put me lights up outside but the bloody ladder moved about a foot so I got down a bit sharpish.Ive never known winds like it..well not since yesterday(:O) O) yo I wont mention the football jude .(:O)
Crikey Vinny ..keep well away from ladders or any form of leccy ! Just read on the news that it's pretty bad down your way ,and they are expecting a surge up the Bristol Channel .It's not very pleasant here ..howling winds again and high tides ....these surges are a bit scary.I can do without being swept out to Scroby Sands !
I have had just had a Whisky mac ..very nice too .. warmed me up a treat .. and me lamb dinner went down and kept down !
Take care my luverrrs ....batten down the hatches !!!

MORNING~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.~;;~.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~ I can hardly hear me self think above the wind.Think are write out me xmas list (1)new roof fer me shed. (2)a Rupert annual (3)A traffic light torch. (4)Tin of devon toffees.(:O) yo ~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.~;;~.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~

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