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Robinia | 10:33 Tue 09th Oct 2007 | Shopping & Style
328 Answers
Will you be rushing off to the new shopping centre in Derby (I won't) or, if you've already been by the time you read this, what do you think?


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no pm's for me thanks folks...I'm not using that betacr4p anymore...

I'm fed up....I used to come on here to unwind...tut...mumble...
Possums...? I'm in? Saturday was hopeless, to answer your question Neti it's not the beta that's troubling me - 'cos I don't even try using that one anymore. Spent many hours trying to upload an avatar. But I found one for you neti. (Yep, just when you thought the veggies had forgotten.) /Neti I remember your christmas tree from last year, the one you assembled yourself and it looked kinda compressed and it turned out you'd put the top on the base but forgot the middle, ha ha ha, I've had soo many laughs at that!

I see you all got my message the other day... Thanks Robinia, I knew I could trust you. "I'm sending a cheque"... hm, I must have said "I'm rendered a wreck"...

Back a little later, I'll tell you about the grand finale of Swedish Idol. We may not have Simon but we get by anyway...
Oh ha ha kit I had forgotten about the tree, I did put up my red one today and managed that one OK.
Yoo-hoo, I'm back. The finale of Swedish Idol. It was held in the Globe and YES my girl Marie Picasso won! She was very obviously not the jury's favourite of the two contestants left and it was an almost hung jury amongst the Swedish people as well. When there were just a few minutes left before the switchboards closed the host of the show announced that the difference in telephone votes between the two singers was just 0,2 percent!!! That got people going and in the end she won by a couple of percents.

from the finale

from a few weeks ago

(Posting two songs to show her range.) The very moved man in the audience is her dad and the woman next to him is her sister who has had a stroke and can't express her love and support in so many words - but her dad sure cries for king and country, dear man.

Signing off now, I'd better put in an appearance at the Nobel festivities seeing as Doris Lessing won't. The leader of the Social Democratic Party is bailing out too, she's meeting Bruce Springsteen instead, before his concert tonight in... yes you've guessed it, Globen. And our English princess won't be going either, so I'd better get a move on! Bye now!
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hehe...memories of neti's christmess tree....

lol Kit I love that but you were typing with your mouth full again...

oh heck, the lights just went dim in Derby
Vin's just switched on his xmas sprights

Tac Kit! what a lovely singer and soo pretty - yes I enjoyed watching that!!

Right you lot, am off for a bath and then a bit of telly. You should have seen Mr N's face when he saw the red tree, he honestly did a double take, then decided not to mention it! Wise man!!
...two more of those and you've got yourself a messiah, neti...
One's enough thank you jno and it's probably not PC to even have one!!!
Hi All Yes Neti I am using beta sorry. Just watching Blue Murder see yer later @gater(s)
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hmmmm? now Kit's (2nd) posting wasn't there when I posted earlier...the bot's obviously decided it was far superior to mine & shoved me down 15 cms...tut.
we've got the Xfactor to endure at the moment...looks like the scary Rhydian will win...or it could be the Stepford twins..if the cute Leon (who has been the only likeable one) wins, I'll eat my fuzzy beret, bless him.

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tut...nobody here yet?
eebygum it's cold today but lovely & bright...I'm going to write my cards so keep the noise down please...

ok, it's so not sub-zero but I love this cheesy song...
I'm doing cards too but I have to keep rushing to the computer to check people's addresses, so then I just can't help checking in to AB and Westfield. My name is jno and I am an ABoholic...
Gosh how long can it take a Biddy Body to get sorted out .
I take back all the swear words I have thrown at AB ! It was me ..and my bldy internet connection .The whole thing is a fiasco ! Everything started shutting down on me .Ever since that child with the screwdriver got at it .I have just spent nearly an hour on the phone clutching my Milk of Magnesia while a man guided me through all this . Hopefully it is going at full steam now .
Hope you are all OK ..I must rush ..I am also an AB addict and want to know what I have missed !!
I have written all my Christmas cards .....toot ...toot !
<<neti come in smirking >> I did my cards last Thursday, I am a saint!!
huh, Saint Neti's one of these people who switches on her Christmas lights in October, like in Oxford St. There's such a thing as jumping the gun, you know.
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<<<pokes quills up shaney & neti's noses>>>

I see the Beta thing has gone !
I don't know what to do now ...all my friends ( all biddies) have deserted me and my avatar is drifting around in the ether somewhere !
Oh lawd ..whatever will the trumpet players do !
I don't even have my decs up yet, plan on doing it tomorrow, only have this red thing cos there was no where else to put it.

Very nice Neti ..very sparkly .I have to get all the gubbins out of the loft yet and I'm not clambering up there !
So at the moment all I have are a few early cards and an advent candle ! And I have eaten the Quality Street !
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by heck neti I've got sommink that looks like that to clean bottles out with...hahaha

I have a small but perfectly formed tree, a glass bowl full of balls (souvenirs from past luvvers hehe), & four caaandulls...


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