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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Internet connection down until just now. Fed up. Am busy, but will catch up later.

Too hot for me!!
Had lovely paella and wine lunch, came home and fell asleep on the lilo in the pool, so Mr N decided it may be dangerous if I fell in, so he woke me up!
Ha, ha. See he really cares about you. Mr LL might well have gently tipped the lilo over. We are still at loggerheads. At present he is up a tree with some loppers.
have been sitting in the sun bathing in Pimms. Glad to hear Mr Woofy is okay, Mr neti is being a lifesaver and (less glad) Mr Lottie is not. There are no current disputes or illnesses to report on here, except the usual shortage of teeth.
Lovely ,lovely ,hot and sunny .Sat in the garden and finished my crossies and read a bit and we've just had cheese omelettes ,salad ,strawbs with cream and now nice a jug of Rekorderlig berry cider with ice and bits to drink while watching teevee.
The sun has gone in now and it's cooled down with a nice sea breeze .
That's your heatwave folks . Hope you enjoyed it :)
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Lottie....don"t sit under the apple tree
Loved it, loved it, loved it Woofy. Ha, ha!!

I absolutely adore anything 40's, especially the music. I sort of feel as if I should have been young back then - like my Mum I suppose. Weird.
Ugh, comes staggering in with headache!! Oh shaney think I'll visit you sounds a perfect day!

Actually I think Mr N was hoping that I would awaken and fall in.

Am fed up with being toothless, go back to dentist on Tuesday, can she work miracles I ask myself!
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It's warm and humid here....we are going to try and sleep as we are all knackered. Night night all, no braining husbands, falling off lilos or anything else risky......
Cooled down here now .Sea mist rolled in so it'll be a cool night Lovely .
Just watched Scott & Bailey .
I thought from the beginning that guy was dodgy .The one whose sister was murdered .
Time for bed .Hope you've all had a good day .Night all .
And will leave you with a bit of sea air .....
Oh don't tell me shaney, I won't see it until later!
I dreamed of woofy last night, she called round and we were going to the local supermarket cos they had big white cups, hija was painting her room bright yellow and getting it on the carpet so I was cleaning that up and asked Mr N has my friend gone, and woofy popped round from the kitchen all smiles and a frilly apron saying she had cleaned up the litchen, yay thanks woofy, am going back to sleep to see if she can do the rest of the house!!!
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You 'll be lucky Neti, have woken up with a wonky back you reckon I got it cleaning your kitchen?
oh, Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz have got married, I didn't know. I suppose realistically I was never in with a chance anyway.
Nah woofy, kitchen is too small to damage any part of you, you are just trying to get out of cleaning the rest!
Good morning, sorry to hear the other halves have been struggling...I've had really bad headaches all weekend, Saturday was horrendous. Thought I was better yesterday but wham! it was back by lunchtime. Too hot for me outside anyway but all the same being able to walk around with both eyes open would be nice. Still niggling today & we've storms forecast so that'll either kill or cure me.

If I miss anything it's because I'm having to speed read, it seems my time is time on the internet that is :o(. I never d'load music or films etc, so I should be able to work out a regime. I should have known there'd be a bloody catch with this cheap BT offer, come back TT, all is forgiven. I'm stuck with this for 18 months now although I could probably upgrade. So anything important I need to know might be better sent by a quick email... errr, no I don't need to know about any punch ups in cb, haha, they can get on with it.
Actually it's probably not a bad thing, I'm often disillusioned with this site and I do waste time drifting around 'shops' I'll never buy things from. I'll have to start doing that other thing...getting a life I think it's called.

Anyhoo, it's very hot already so if it's your thing enjoy it, gonna be gone tomorrow!
Oh no, I log in to dreadful news from jno!! Daniel Craig is mine, mine, mine!! He has been stolen from me. Didn't realise I was in competition with you jno!!

Shaney, we too thought that the bloke who's sister was murdered was iffy from the beginning. That was very gory last night. I am really enjoying it though. It's down to earth in my opinion and very realistic. It's nice to settle down and watch a good drama on a Sunday evening. I shall really miss it when it has finished.

Sorry you are suffering Robi.

I have just put down some Roundup, have come in and am not venturing outside (except to hang up washing) until much later this evening. It is too damn hot and I can't stand it. Fortunately, our house is very cool, especially our North East facing lounge. There is a lot to be said for old cottages with thick walls and mostly smallish windows. Warm in winter, cool in summer.

Mr LL and I seem to have forgotten our differences. The fall outs never last that long these days. Years ago they lasted and lasted and lasted. Two very stubborn people. These days we can't be bothered. Fundamentally, we are OK!!
Gosh now my internet is beggarinout, sooo slowww!

help please S mirror (I think)

17a One who tends to like new things, (10) I have neo - h - l ---

10d subsstance used to treat Parkinson's disease (1-4) L - - - -

15a Spontaneously perfomed genre of comedy (6) I - p ----

I've looked everywhere, no idea, thanks
neti - 10d... L dopa
15a improv

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