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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Well I would make sure people sit on my left. I can't hear very well from my left ear.

Had a strange experience outside Lidls this morning. Was leaving the store when a lady about biddie age insisted on telling me about the rash she had on her leg. I had only smiled at her as one does when meeting in a doorway. Well it turned out she was German and had lived in this country since 1958. I got her whole life history, her ailments, her friends, her peeling ceilings, her car, all her old cars, her husband, daughter son, son's ailments - everything. I just stood there listening politely until I had to say that I simply must get going. Sad really - a very smart lady who was obviously very lonely.
Somewhere cool please shaney, but no matter as I am going to win!!
He he, quite fun. Found on another topic in AB
well, how about that... robinia is Oi! Brain!
haha, lol jno... The one it suggested for my real name is brilliant.

Well when I win I'll be paying for you all to have designer babies, haha.
I have an opinion on everything, just ask my family, haha...I don't think ivf should be on the NHS & I could put my reasons on that thread too but I can't be bothered. Most of my points have been made by the opinionated old biddies on here :o)

Well done Jude, you tell 'em...there's always one who has to argue the point no matter how petty (or wrong) they're being.
It's not good news for Derby is it? (Bombardier)
Ok Neti ..I'll book you in at The Ice Hotel :)

Hahaa..Lofty she sounds like Mr.S's aunt who lived here from 1954 until she died aged 82.
Reverse situation .We met a lady from Devon last time we were in Germany who had lived in thetown Mr S comes from for over forty years having been married to a German and was a widow with no family ..We were in Woolworths at the time and she honed in on us as she heard us talking in English .She told us all her life history ,bless her, and we ended up going for a coffee with her .
I've ended up writing to her . I seem to collect people like this for some reason :)
Jail conquers on leach ?
What sort of anagram is that I ask you :)
Saner hasty .Hahaa.
I 'm not altogether sure about the saner bit .
And I'm not too hasty these days either .
The anagram for my real name is

'In paranoiac thanks.'

Just change the in to I'm and that's about right!!
And as for Lottie:

Fly to Toilet

and that is absolutely correct!!!!

Hmmmph :o(
'hallowed jump toadies' or 'jewish old lout'. Well thank you very much my day is now made ;~)
Shame about Bombardier. Very sad news for Derby.
Yes It is really bad news for Bombardier after all the years of train building in Derby. I remember when it was called Carriage and Wagon. I can't remember when it was changed. My very first boyfriend worked there in the late 1950s. Ahhh memories!!
Hi name was 'Hi! Fjord legend' :~)
I had a Spanish boyfriend called

'I'm sleazier, glum lunch.'

he, he.

We lived in Southern Spain for a short while.
Question Author
Night night all, the anagrams machine looks like fun, must try it tomorrow
Night Woofy and All Biddies everywhere. I'll never grow up will I ?
See yer later 'gater(s)
"nutless amorality"? Good grief
I bin zeta here or Keen on distinctly, not very exciting am I?

Have won 19€ on the euromillions, better than nothing!

Good morning all.

Hija's day off so I haven't had to get up to run her to work yay!!!
Old spanish boyfriend is Pivotal boredom moans, ha ha, he was quite nice and a doctor!!!

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