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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Morning scullery maids...bloomin windy here, it was howling up the back like winter last night.

No sign of Daz this morning, I wonder where he is? Maybe he's moved on..

♫...Woah, I'm going to Ibiza...♫
I don't like Kingsmill bread either, there's always a cheap disinfectant smell about it.
cold and wet here this morning - makes a change from the rest of the week where it was bright and sunny at first to lure me into the garden to get rained on.
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morning all have just woken up properly, took dogs out 04.30, home at 06.00,got DH up for breakfast and off to dialysis 07.00, closed my eyes on the sofa low and behold, its 11.00. He is going to lunch with a mate of ours who has problems so he'll be back later. meanwhile I need to shower and get the day going....laters all.
I have been up precisely 30 minutes!! I just couldn't wake up properly.
I just read my last night's thread. Surpise you made no comments as I apparently had a meal with someone different to Mr LL!!

I am now ashamed of my rather dated, muddly messy kitchen, where the kitchen table seems to be a place for dumping handbags, junk mail and loads of other stuff and the worktops are cluttered with all sorts. Even if I had a wonderful kitchen like jno's I doubt if I could keep it that way. Sigh.

I don't like any sliced shop bread, or for that matter I rarely like any shop bread even from small bakeries.

I'm about to make myself brunch!!
Good morning Biddyfriends. Hope you're all ok today. It's a bit windy and black over Bill's Mother's!
I've been to the Sainsburys round the ring road and the new entrance is fantastic. Huge! Well they're both round the ringroad but in different directions but Robi will know which one I mean. :¬) Going to have a walk into the local shops this afto - better take me brolly. The threatened storm hasn't arrived yet.
I like Warburton's bread and have their white farmhouse and wholemeal loaves. Can't say I've ever tried Kingsmill and from what you say I probably wont. I also Like Birds but very rarely go in now as I'd be really tempted by their lovely blackcurrant creams. MMMMMmmmmm.
Lunch time looms
See yer later 'gater(s) (sounds like I'm always eating dunnit but I'm not, honest, and never between meals.)
And it is windy here with showers, but still muggy.
And up pops Jude :o)

erm, my kitchen isn't necessarily like that ALL the time, Lottie. Sometimes it looks quite scruffy, especially when it's full of biddies scoffing my tuna chunks. We redid it a couple of years ago; before that there were more cupboards hanging from the ceiling where the copper lights are now, so it felt much more poky. But we did lose some storage space. Unfortunately we can't just store stuff outside the way they do on Spanish islands.
Hi folks
Not a bad day . Bright and sunny but very windy
Lovely kitchen Jno .I want one :)
To my shame this is ours . That's Mr S making tea .
It was taken a while ago as you can see by Shaney's bowl but it's still just as untidy :)
Hope you are all Ok .
Back later .
We used to get Hovis here but it was often green in the middle so stopped buying that, I like Jacksons but have to go to the English shop for that. The spanish bread on the island is revolting, chewy and stodgy. Occasionally we find a restaurant where they bake their own bread and the other day when dining out I took half a loaf home with me as it was lovely, Mr N was appalled!! but it was delicious with alioli.
........and horror of horrors I went out without my tooth in place today and didn't realise until I was having a coffee and chatting to my friend, I was mortified. Then there were a couple of little mongol children smiling at me and I didn't dare grin back, would have frightened them, so I gently smiled with mouth closed!
I don't know where the morning went either woofy and I've been awake for all of it...I think.

I love that pic shaney, it's a lovely kitchen. I think you sent it to me by email some time ago and I'm sure I said at the time Mr S has such a peaceful look about him....and he's making the tea! :o)

None of my business who you dine with Lottie but I can't say the same for some of 'em around here...

Nice kitchen Shaney, warm looking and homely and, as I have said before, Mr Shaney is a dish!!
Sorry Robi. Good afternoon from me in my dressing gown still. I really am very tired today and am going to give in to it. No reason why I shouldn't as Mr LL always says.
Pouring with rain now. More of an excuse to do nothing.
For Dax, it may be small but it's deadly!!!!

Mr N built a cattery here, in lovely countryside and mousey was a guest there in 2003. She howled the place down every night and the poor cat woman had to sit with her for hours. She wouldn't eat anything until the cat woman gave her Ultima (Affinity) the most expensive here and wow she'll eat nothing else since, only those croquettas. She can't stay there again, the neighbours moaned! She has a dreadful howl almost unearthly. So we are stuck here. Not so bad now as hija is here again and can look after her as she did in 2007 when we went to Russia.
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Okay showered and tidy but no more with it. I have finally given in and bought folding walking sticks, knee is being difficult and I am not having an op. Got two on eBay for 2.99 each from the Argos outlet so I now have one for house, one for car and a shorter one which was my mum's for upstairs barefoot. I 've also got a long hiking one for walking doggies which mostly gets used for moving horses out of the way.

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