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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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goodness, who was he talking to, robi, one of the geezers? Very firm smack of government.

Woofy, I remember Quentin Crisp claiming that after the first four years the dust never gets any deeper, but even I have never had the heart to put this to the test.
Right floors now vaccumed and ready for steam cleaning, but had to have a plate of cherries and strawberries first!!
he was talking to me jno....

oooh... :o)
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Robi I thought that was pretty brill too......
It was, and now the whole thread has gone.

Love live Spare Ed!!
Oh what have I missed.....

Mr N's van broke down in the middle of nowhere and of course he didn't know the number of the recovery agent (all his ins papers were stuck together, it's a messy work van) so I had to hunt around and found it, cos hija had my car with the phone no on the windscreen (cos I am organised)and poor Mr N had to hike back from he garage in this heat. Now he's had to hang around all day for hija and car to return so he can finish the job he was doing at 10am ! Also he starts a big job tomorrow and so will have to have my car so we'll all be running hither and thither to get nowhere fast. Have done 6 loads of washing and it is all dried and put away except for the ironing which I shall endeavour to do sometime! Have made russian salad in a shape with eggs and peppers and olives decorating it, coronation chicken and pot salad to make and green salad for dinner. Hoovered throughout even with Mr N sitting in my way got him straighten out the carpet, mopped the tiled floors, have erected a sunshade type thingy outside hija's window as the sun glares in there from 4pm onwards and gets so hot (the only room in the house where the sun gets in. I was added on as an afterthought therefore no shade. I've swept the huge patio twice and had a swim! Am having a rest now until they all want dinner!!
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Well the perp didn't get suspended. Nice day here, have tidied out the kitchen cupboards and DH wants ham and eggs for tea and a Harvey wall banger. Haven't decided what I want yet, probably a stir fry. It's a lovely proper summers day here.
and in my opinion I think people who slur Rafa botty get away with too much!!!
I also tried out the air con, and left it running for half and hour, when I went back into bedroom it was boiling hot, I had the central heating on! It confuses me, but if I ask Mr N, he'll say we don't need it yet.
gis a clue as to the perv? please
The perv!!?
Clue: An old water heater that used to be over the kitchen or bathroom sinks/baths with a right hand initial and the very first number.
Ha ha, Nets. What a coincidence. I thought I switched the hot water on for a hour only an hour ago and just realised I had switched the central heating on instead. And what's more I was already dripping with sweat from using the steam cleaner and it's a hot day outside.
Whoops meant perp! Was he being horrid to our Robi!

Thanks lottie, we are very similar aren't we!!
No, not horrid to Robbi at all, but Robbi is now all in a fluster because because of Spare Ed has shown his masterful side!! She's in luurrrrrvvv

The 'he' Robi refers to in her posting was in reply to jno's question.
well, I certainly hope he wasn't referring to robi's monumental arse, then - you would think an error had been made.
Drat . I missed all fun whilst slogging into town to get a pressie for someone
I do wish the grockles would go on the beach or seafront on such a lovely day instead of bunging up the same shops they probably have at home .

There's more than a few monumental arses on here .They probaby get that way from riding around on their high horses .

Neti all that cooking ,washing and rushing about has mad me feel quite dizzy :)
Hope alls well with everyone .
Toodlepip for now .Chow time and a little loll in the garden :)
Mr N's van is going to cost 1,500€ to mend but he needs it! It's not our year is it? Now means I am on running around duty taking hija to work, etc but no car for me!
Can't find Scott and Bailey to download as yet!
Evening each. Hope you've all had a good day. Neti by the sound of it has worn herself out. All that work. What came over you are or are you always like that?
I went to town to fetch my new reading specs, they're working a treat. I spent £9 on An Advantge card incase anything happens to them again. Like loss or damage and I get 10% of any purchases in the next 2 years. 75% off replacements or repairs as well. Then I went and did some shopping in Sainsburys in town so that i could get the bus from the bus station back home. My car goes for repair tomorrow and I haven't been driving it in case it broke down completely on me. My car man is taking it tomorrow and dropping me off in town so that I can get the bus out of Derby to Tai Chi.
This afto i did my usual stint at school. Managed to listen to 11 children reading. Such a pleasure. I'm on my second year and enjoying every minute.

Well Robi it turned out a lovely day in the end didn't it. I have all my windows wide open. I've had my dinner this evening and a salad at lunch time it was too ringing.

Just been on the phone for 25 mins to a friend from Tai Chi telling me she probably wont be there tomorrow.

Now I have a pile of pots want washing so I'm off.

See yer later 'gater(s)

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