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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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A good day here. DH is back from fil, rosy and tired relaxing with a Harvey wallbanger. Alcohol in moderation is encouraged, especially sugary alcohol as it is full of calories, stimulates the appetite and promotes a feeling of wellbeing and relaxation. I have to force myself to drink as well of course ;-)
And it bloomin well starts off my IBS!!

Glad you are both OK and happy though Woofs.
Pleased Mr W is feeling ok today Woofy. That's good to hear. I just can't imagine how it must feel to have to go for dialysis and I really feel for him.

Didn't get my curry Neti so I had to have ham! :~)

Well we've had a bit of thunder but not what you'd call a good storm but the garden has had a drop of watering in the last couple of days.
The sun is now shining and it's quite a pleasant evening.

Just a little aside - just felt I wanted to say this:-
I heard a good quote today - by who I don't know exactly. 'People may forget what you said or what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel' and I shall never forget how you lovely Biddies have made me feel in the time, I can say years now, that we have been chatting.
This other quote may help you to understand how you have helped me now you know a little of my history.
'Depression isn't a sign of weakness but a sign of having to be strong for too long.'
That's all folks

See yer later 'gater(s)
well, if we're not here, Jude, you can always get help from Sqad <cough cough>

Glad to hear Mr Woof is perking up, even if Lottie is having more of the Duncan Smiths.
oh, just gone back a page and seen your liner, Lottie - very nice. Our Russian cruise was wonderful, but the prices seem to have quadrupled since then (I think we had a last minute special offer as a group had pulled out). So you'll be among oligarchs like yourself.
oh dear, I've gawn all droopy. It's this silly weather...managed to have half an hour in the garden before the storm started rumbling around though.

Nice to find surprise flowers Lottie..if I've got an admirer I don't want him to be secret :o). The cruise looks nice and colourful. Not my thing though, my worst nightmare to be trapped with tourists however big the ship/plane/charabanc.

That 1st one's a quote I use Jude, who told you that? It wasn't me, I haven't been out today. :o)

lol woofy. When I was building myself up I remember asking my consultant if tonics were actually any good to which he replied 'Nah, have a glass of sherry' :o)
Jno doubt I would speak to Squad!! have no doubts about chatting to you about medical things but the rest of the time it's my fave Dr ;¬)

A man said it on BBC2 today Robi. I have heard it before but was reminded of it by him. I've just looked it up and I it was said by an American Poet Maya Angelou.

That looks a luxurious cruise Lottie hope it's great for you. It doesn't appeal to me though but then again I've never been on one so I may like it if I did.

I once left my purse on the roof of my car and a lady rang up who lived on the other side of the main road from me and said her children had brought it in to her. I was so grateful and gave them a few £ to say thankyou. They refused it but I insisted. It was one Sunday when I was taking my Dad his dinner round. good job I didn't put that on top of the Car !!
Hi, tis me.

Made a scrumptious dinner, Mr LL made a salad to go with it and am now feeling tired and relaxed.

Robi and Jude. I don't like tourists much either, so I know how you feel, but I just want Mr LL to see the land of his family and this seemed the best option. It is my present to him for his 65th birthday. He couldn't go in earlier years because his father was 'an enemy of the people'. He couldn't even be in the British Air Force because of that (which was his biggest ambition). It will be lovely for him to have the opportunity to chat in Russian again and his mother came from Lenningrad in which we will spend two days.

It's only a small ship and a very informal cruise and I must admit that I can't wait to see Russia. It's not luxurious at all!!

I have no ambition to go on one of those posh cruises where you have to dress for dinner and mix with cruisey people though. I am with you there.

Also I love Russian folk music and Russian dance and am intrigued by Russian History. Funny thing I always was, even before I knew Mr LL. I used to plough through those long Russian novels where you have to keep going back to check the names because Russians seem to be known by so many.

I am going to the seaside tomorrow!! Must have an early night.

Wondering whether to take my bucket and spade!! ;o)

Saw these the other day for sale in the Garden Centre

Am intrigued and somewhat dubious. Just thought you would be interested.

I have a new home waiting for us. Just say the word when you are ready.


An English site might be more useful!
Morning all, off to start my motherly duties!

That cruise boat ooks ideal to me lottie, I would love that and No I am not a cruise person either. Marm who used to be on here loves cruising, she goes 3 or 4 times a year, would drive me mad.
Sad news from Jan 57 in Chatterbank.

Off out for day. See you later xxxx
Morning's brightened but not for long by the look of the sky.

Have a nice day/weekend if you're out gallivanting. I won't be, I spent most of the night awake with the 'Smiffs'. Thankfully nothing drastic happened (you can never be sure can you?) just doubled up in pain & I feel a tad queasy this morning. Probably my own fault, I've over indulged this week & I did put a lot of onions in my casserole & ate it two nights running... <don't say running Robi, you might tempt fate>.

No eurolotto either, one number + one lucky star, tut, so no world cruise for me. I did find one of those puzzleglobes for £3 in the charidee shop a few days ago, they're about £20 aren't they? It's the old historic one...bad news is, no box, no pic. Oh well, I like a challenge.


We're okay her for a while yet Lottie even though the service is dreadful...where's my toast? And something calming to drink please. Too much to expect our shops to have fresh ginger, I might have to make do with dunkin' g-nuts in me tea.
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Sorry to hear that Robi. I keep crystallised ginger on hand all of the time for such emergencies.
Lottie, I am with you about intrigued and dubious...I chat on a couple of pet dog forums and the view there is the same.
Lottie, I have been so inspired by your plans that I have phoned up and booked a cruise along the Danube next year. I don't usually book things a year in advance but there was a special offer on and I knew it was better than any of the actual prices they've charged this year.
Could you please, please include me in one or other of those cruises, am running ragged here, no time for myself at present, taking and collecting hija, taking and collecting Mr N, doing the shopping and housework and ironing, I am shattered and need a cruise!!!! Haven't had time to go in the pool today!!!
neti, how about one of those nice little boats to Formentera? Okay, it's not New York, but at least you're not tipping the cabin boys all the time.
Evening chookies
I'm booked in with Lofty . I'm going as one of those Russian Dolls .She'll never find me :)
I had a nice cruise round Norfolk today and a good time was had by all .

Hope you are all well and that tummy upsets have cleared up Robinia .Onions don't agree with me either these days . Isn't it funny that things you used to love to eat give you trouble as you get older .

So you are off too Jno ..An der schönen blauen Donau. Lovely .

Nothing much else to report really .Had a lovely day out , chish and fip lunch and came home to my tip of home that has boxes stacked everywhere .

Child Picky has at last bought a home of his own and is sorting out "stuff ".
He 'll be taking some stuff but will be leaving even more stuff to go with all the other stuff .
I give up .

Take care all and sleep well xx
Hello biddies, nice day here.

jno I almost went on the formentera ferry last Wed but realised that there's not much to do when you get there so I cried off, and it's terribly rough where the seas meet just out of Ibiza. No I want to go with Lottie on the Russian cruise.

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday!

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