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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Bl******* telephone line is our problem with internet and has been proved, but because of our rural situation and the few people using the cable then they keep just doing temporary repairs and don't want to fork out for new cables, road digging and traffic lights. No internet pm yesetrday at all. Open Reach engineers all sympathetic and frustrated because of the situation but they can only report back and have no say in the situation.

We get angry.

Anyway good morning. Still raining here - Gloomy weather, gloomy me, gloomy Mr LL (who is driving me mad) and fed up dog because she wants to go walkies. Hopefully the weather will change soon.
Quickly rushes in, morning all, very very hot and humid here, did shopping, coffee x2 (one with Mr N and one with a friend) still have a pile of ironing to do, and hoovering but just can't be bothered. Still have to make lunch and dinner!
just painted the bathroom door again as it was still patchy after the first coat. At 2 days per door and about 10 doors altogether that's.... err... well, never mind, it's not going to happen.
I have been reading the instructions on my new lilo and I am only 5kilos under the limit, how very dare they???

Hi Robi, hope you are feeling better!
sounds like I'd better have two lilos, then.

Painted door, been to Tescos, killed a few hundred flying ants (they are very slow coming out this year, have been strolling out in dribs and drabs while I dump ant powder and boiling water on them), and then sat in the sun feeling Ibizan. Very pleasant.
Hi folks
Oh not flying ants Jno .Are they those horrible things we've got flitting around here .I call them June bugs .They crunch when you stamp on them

It's very warm here this evening but it's been overcast all day .No rain .
I've had a muddly day .
The kettle blew up on us last night ( I don't have much luck with kettles ) so had to go and get a new one .My bro took me over to the retail park ,got a kettle and also a new lightweight vacuum cleaner and a stool to sit on for ironing .
My back and hips don't like ironing these days. and I can't ignore this ten foot heap in the corner of the bedroom for much longer :)
I hope you've all had a good day and hope your headache has eased off Robinia .Have a nice evening all.
Be good .

shaney is this what you call a june bug? We call them May, June or July bugs according to the month!
Question Author
That looks like a cockchafer...huge blooming thing. Quiet day here...DH not having a good day, nothing serious.
These little dears neti
They flit about in the dusk .

Sorry to hear that Woofy .Hope he'll soon feel better .
Question Author
Its so bloomin frustrating Shaney. Thursday was good, yesterday was great, then he started to feel unwell this morning and has had a broccoli day today. He keeps getting recurrences of the stomach bug we both had 2 or 3 weeks ago. The doc gas said its just because he has low resistance and its nothing serous but it does take it out of him when he can't eat.
Oh yes I know what you mean Woofy . No two days alike .Although Mr S has recovered well from the bowel business the bladder thing is getting him down now and he's up and down like Tower Bridge .One day he's Ok and another day he's like a bear with a sore bum.
It's like being on eternal merry go round . I'm quite a patient person but I find myself getting a tad irritable lately :)
no, no, they're just ants, normal antish size but they hide away under paving stones etc (you can detect them by the heaps of soil they excavate), grow wings and all emerge usually at once, thousand of the little blighters, and fly away; they're usually all gone the next day.
Oh yes I've just watched your clip Robinia .He's rather nice .He's been in lots of things in minor roles and I caught him in Holby the other day and thought where have I seen him before .. :)
Oh I know what you mean now Jno .Horrid things .I'm wondering with all this warm weather if we are going to get invaded by ladybirds again .That was horrendous .
The June bugs seem to be the same to me. but ours are all day and flit around when I am hanging the washing. Years ago when I used to ride a moped, one landed on my back as I was riding along I didn't know until I got home (old house in the country) and as I took off my jeans it flew at me, I was terrified. Stay outside until Mr N came home and retrieved it from the house!
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Good morning all.DH is miraculously fine again today...go figure anyway i am not complaining at all. We have fog here, I quite like to hear the fog horns going.
Morning all
Lovely day here .I think it's going to be a warm one .
Good that Mr W is feeling better . Hope you are all ok .
See you later .
OMG, summer has arrived! It's hot and sunny. I can't remember what you're supposed to do on days like this, though.
Well done Mr W!
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Nice day here, DH has gone biking and I have planted out my cardoons and asparagus peas. The mate who came round on Friday has just moved and his neighbour is on the committee of the ailing local Horticultural society...he's been roped in to help and I might exhibit something if I have anything ready :)

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