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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Morning all, agree with shaney re Wimbledon, no characters anymore. Can someone explain why and what were those 2 band aid strips on Serena's back. I know she had clots on her lungs but surely there is not a gaping wound??
Morning all...
Yes woofy KBO is all you can do, one day at a time. Once you've put one foot on the tightrope you have to keep focusing on getting to the other side. Stay positive.

It's a good site shaney, some music I'd forgotten on there.

Well it's midsummer's day, so it's time to don your kaftans & wellies
Morning all
Yes I think it'll be more wellies than kaftans Robinia .It keeps clouding up out there. That thunder yesterday was horrible .It rumbled around for most of the day .
I don't know what those plasters are Neti but she's annoyed about being made to play on Court two while the men get the centre court .
Chin up Woofy ,we're all rooting for you xx
su shining here, but it's not expected to last. I painted a window sill yesterday and will do a door today. I have a cousin coming to stay a couple of nights and although she is not houseproud or anything it'd be nice to tart up a faded door or two.
actually Su is not shining but the sun is.
I saw that interview shaney, proper miffed isn't she?...

Su can't make it's mind up whether to shine or hide here...easiest way to make it decide is get ready to go in the garden/ I bother to go and buy a Euromillions ticket? I don't feel like doing an awful lot of anything, I couldn't even unscrew the top on the milk and then the little tab snapped off the foil seal...somedays the odds are just stacked against you <sigh>
Hi woofy and Mr woofy, keep on trucking x

Well I decided to try on one of those long floatyish dresses today, and it didn't look too bad, but I would need a top to cover the boobies, and then it would be too hot, so decided (so far) not to buy it!

I did enjoy Luther which i watched last night, he is so lovely!!

Have treated myself to a chse and ham croissant for lunch (oh forgot about the diet!!)
<<<< Waves to Jude in the scottish wilderness >>>>
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Su id here, we all had a good nights sleep and feel loads better, thanks for the encouragement, we have been in worse places than this....on to the chair shops, see you all later.
Afternoon all. Glad you feel better today Woof. You are both doing so well, so keep positive. x

Got up at 6.00am and did lots of jobs and then did a massive shop. Come back, done a suduko and had a cuppa. It was a glorious sunny morning but there are clouds coming over now.

Haven't finished unpacking the shopping so best not hang around too long on AB. Just a quick peep.

See you later.
p.s. Everytime I open this thread and see the title I think of Neti and her DD's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What i would like to know is why, when I attempt a simple little sewing job it turns into a blood bath , a broken fingernail and knotty cotton .
Yes Luther is rather nice isn't he Neti :)
Everybody fancies Luther, except me :o(

Hi Shaney. xxxx
Hi Lofty
is it cold over your way ? It's turned chilly here .
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And me, zero interest for me but I lurve the sidekick in Lewis....
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Lovely day here we are all worn out. Have bought very expensive chair for DH, given the dog hamburgers, had a drink and a good natter with a mate of ours and had pork stroganoff (DH home made) and mushroom risotto (me, m and s) and pink marshmallow wafers and toffee popcorn for dessert.
Night night all
I think I'd sleep a lot more easily with a stomach full of dog hamburgers than pink marshmallow wafers and toffee popcorn but hey, I'm no gourmet.
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Well he didn't sleep easily but says it was worth it....He only ate the popcorn, its moi who is the marshmallow wafer fan.
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Morning all, grey damp day here.
Morning all...just tottering through on a damp, grey day. The nagging headache I'd had turned massive yesterday so I did absolutely nowt and I feel washed out. It's threatening again now, hope it's gone before it gets hot tomorrow. I think a combo of hayfever + weather started it off.

I've never seen Luther so I had to google his pic, he looks very nice. I tend to go for 'alternative' types these days. I really love Guy Henry who apparently has been in Harry Potter films but currently is in Holby.
YT Vid here, bit long but you can get an idea of him in the first couple of minutes...

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