are there any christian migrants being allowed in without any trouble from the majority muslims. if now we are so concerned about these migrants then why not in the early 80,s could we not let the...
just watched it last night ( pay or we..ll take it away ) elderly british couple from london worked all their lives untill recently then welfare cuts came in last year, bailiffs called to the old...
Hi. I want to say sorry for the long post, but I needed to write like this so you can understand it. I’m from Denmark where I study. Yesterday I participated in the yearly easterlunch with my...
There's a place I know that's known locally as Dead Man's Arch. I say 'known locally' because the place name doesn't appear on any maps. I'd like to change that, but who do I ask?...
My brother has had to give up work due to ill health after 36 years working in the building trade and has now split from his wife. He has been told that once he has been allocated a house by the DSS...
Good evening all, I've always liked the female name Lalaine. The pronounciation I've heard most often and appreciate the most is: la-lane-ee My concern would be that it may be pronounced lal-ain. Is...
I cant imagine a Italian or French woman going to a ladies day looking like some of this lot....
Recently been in the news with Justin Bieber been accused of 'Cultural Appropriation' by having dreadlocks.
Are accusations of Cultural appropriation detrimental to a multi-cultural society?...
Okay, So my friend has a boyfriend who gets jealous quite easily, he complains a lot to my friend that he never sees him (which he does) and that he's always going out with other people without him.... do you think the law is just going to damn far ?...
In this up coming referendum on Europe ... will the outcome of staying mean we are once again in jeopardy of losing the £ ...?? Just asking as I cannot find answer on this! And my vote will hinge on...