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Where are you Robinia?

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smudge | 23:27 Fri 13th May 2005 | People & Places
10 Answers
Haven't seen your name on here lately - hope you are ok - or are you someone else now?


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Here I am, still me!! How lovely that you've missed me smudge.... welling up now....I've not been too well this week but feeling a bit better now, wish the weather was a tad warmer to ease the creaking bones a bit!! Hope you're ok too - this will prob get zapped so I'm glad I spotted it. x
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Hi Robinia - just read your reply on my Dessert, Sweet, Pudding & Afters thread!

So glad you are back & feeling better now.

As you say, no doubt this will be reported & disappear, but at least you found it. -x-

Hi Smudge and Robinia - this may be my last posting as we had a party last night in the Suggestions section (Vinny's question) and I am likely to be expelled.  Nice knowing you.

Sorry you have been unwell Robinia, but glad you are feeling better!  I have been freezing all week and me old limbs are suffering.

Ooooh missed out there FP, I'd have made a trifle if I'd known.  Think you'll just get a leg slapping, better stuff some shin pads down the back of your support stockings!! 
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Hi FP - sorry to hear you haven't been feeling felt 100% either.

It must be our age, as I've never a bit crappy this week too & have never felt so cold in the month of May - even had the heating on all week too!

Don't tell us we missed a party in Suggestions last night! What was all that about then?

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Hope you can make sense of my last post - it's definitely me age!

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Tut! - I could have got me crimplene dress out of the wardrobe & brought me shopping trolley!
Still suffering from the after effects of the party.  The thread still remains with 55 postings!!!  Go see what you missed!
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Wow - what a party! Can you belive we missed it Robinia?
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*believe even - it gets worse! Perhaps I did go to the party in my sleep!

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Where are you Robinia?

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