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Aber - anyone know who he is

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ali_alic | 10:32 Wed 07th Mar 2007 | People & Places
7 Answers
There was an aber on here that although I didn't always agree with him always made sure that the thread got lively. From memory he was a retired officer in the army (tho some disputed that) and was definately one of the the hang em and be damned brigade. Could be quite rude. Can't remember his name but none of the names I have seen lately ring a bell. Anyone know who I mean??


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Ward Minter would be the one you're thinking of ali. He left ab a few weeks ago but i have a feeling he may be back at sometime in the future.!!!!! His last user name was joe the lion .
If it wardy you're thinking of- he was alive and well on monday when he posted these replies as joe the lion. 74394.html
And the shaneystar imposter- you should be ashamed of yourself!!!
there's an estee one too B00 over in suggs!
What shaneystar imposter ? Where ? Cheek !
I'll have them know I am a paid up member here ...of the Biddys will Bash'em club .
I have a Barry Manilow CD to prove it
Joe the lion was alive and kicking here 9666-2.html

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Aber - anyone know who he is

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