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my kids..

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sara3 | 00:32 Fri 01st May 2009 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
.. found out today that a boy from their school (in my 15 yr old daughter's year, and my 12 yr old son's best-friend's brother) hanged himself earlier this week. completely unconnected (because news hadn't got out), a girl in my daughter's year is on life-support after hanging herself last night.

it's just tragic. I watched the all the kids coming out of school in silence, many were crying. it's hard to imagine what they were going through, what their families and friends are going through, and the hundreds of lives this has touched. I worry how my own kids will deal with this.

it's not a question.. it's just on my mind.


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Oh sara sweetie , that's tragic and very sad . ((( hugs ))) xxxxx
that's awful sara3.....same happened in my school years ago. It was accidental but a dreaful shock for us (I was 13). Keep a close watch on your kids as grief easily leads to morbid depression.

It is the living who suffer for the deceased.
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thanks bigmamma, big hugs to you too xxxxxxxxx
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thanks tambo. it's sad that children have to deal with such things, huh?
very tragic indeed. Problem is it sows a seed in ither vulnerable young people who are struggling with life. Give your kids and extra kiss and cuddle.
It would be good for the sschool to organise pupil counselling to help them deal with this.
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hi pink, the school is crawling with counsellers and they sent letters home with numbers to call. I don't suppose they can do much more. some of the kids seem so vulnerable, I know one is a self-harmer. it's really scary. I just hope the other girl pulls through x
Not surprising that your mind is busy with this sara.

Kids rarely know how to deal with this kind of thing, especially if another child, and friend, has died.

The deaths of 3 local children in a car crash a few years ago had a big effect on our small community. Everyone needs to watch and judge when individual support is needed by those affected.
children have a great capacity for resilience once they themselves feel secure. Often its vital for parents to talk to their children about this and why might have someone done this. Also asking them to think about who they could talk to if they werr upset. So often we dont talk enough to children about difficult subjects as we believe they wont understand. Yet the children are already aware and can become more fearful by adult silence.
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rabbity, it's that ripple effect.. it spreads so far.

thanks girls, for your thoughtful words. I just needed to get it out there. I'm off to bed now. night all xxx
Hi sara, pink, bigmamma, teram....
What awful reading! I also had some news today that made me cry. My friend sent me a photo of her little one year old son. Last night, the poor mite underwent major heart surgery, and I wasn't ecxpecting this pic to unfold. To see him there, lines coming out of him and with a plaster down his chest from where they'd had to cut him open.... I just looked and thought...that poor little mite. x
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I know, pink. I left work early to get the kids from school, and one of my daughter's friend's came back too. we talked about it at some length. I hope it helped them in some way x
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hey Icey.. how sad. I hope your friend's baby will be well very soon. surgery has come a long way, but it's still a worrying time. if only I had a magic wand...

to Ice and Sara

Ice hope he will be ok
Hello Icey honey , that would make you cry and be a rather upsetting picture , poor little chap , I ish all the best for a speedy recovery , and children bunce back after major surgery much quicker than adults , hugs sweetie xxxxxx
Im assuming the school will provide some form of counselling?
Difficult to know what to say.

I dont like the subject of suicide as my opinion is its a fery desperate act , probably by someone seeming normal but in deep despair.

Others call it cowardly , but i disagree.

Hopefully they will cope and as long as youre there then they have you to lean on for support.
....wish *.........bounce *
Excuse the typos , I'm tired xxx
Thanks sara, pink and bigmamma. I'm in no way saying this is worse than the actual death of someone else's child, but it just goes to show that we must always be vigilant and there for our children. x
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thanks, and it would be fair to say that the boy seemed to be outwardly happy, had many friends and was very popular. I guess you never know what goes on..

night all x
sometimes when people appear ok on the surface

they are very sad inside

and it doesnt take much to push them over hte edge

sadly other children can be very nasty without realising the consequences of what they say or do.

nite sara x
i had a school friend who was the class clown always seem happy, no bullying, had a good home life .
went to school one day he wasn't there , he had committed suicide . i still think about it 32 years on, it was truly unexplainable.

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