Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner during the week.
Breakfast, Lunch , Tea on Sundays. Even tho lunch is really dinner on Sunday..... We still say Sunday Lunch even when it's a big roastie.
usually breakfast, lunch dinner, but if I have a big meal at lunchtime and not in the evening then its breakfast dinner tea
And now i think about it, if i'm rounding up my son on the weekend then it's 'home for your tea'
Snappin' is a Potteries dialiect word for any meal - in tandem with that, a sandwich is known as a 'piece', you used to be given a cup of tea and a piece at lunchtime.
I remember years ago a non-local in my office who had heard the term 'snappin' and wondered what it was - one lady told him it was 'Pieces' which left him even more confused!
Lunch (except on Sunday, when the meal at c 1pm is dinner)
Dinner ( except on Sunday, when the evening meal is supper)
Supper is a smaller version of dinner.Dinner is the main meal of the day, which is why it is in the evening on every day except Sunday. On Sundays the main meal is at what would be lunchtime on other days