I can appreciate everyone has their own ideas (faith) about (in) God. However, no matter how much you try to "ice the cake", the Bible tells us that there is only One True God Psalm 83 v 18 (most Bibles) gives us his name. Molech, Ashtoreth, Baal, Dagon, Merodach, Zeus, Hermes, and Artemis are just a few of the gods named in the Bible.
There are many gods and you only have to look back into History to see this - The Egyptians, The Babylonians, The Medio Persians, The Greeks, The Romans etc. etc. All of these World Powers down through the centuries have had their Gods.
In theory, Buddhism does not advocate belief in God or a Creator. However, Buddhist temples and stupas are found today in nearly every country where Buddhism is practiced, and images and relics of Buddhas and bodhisattvas have become objects of prayers, offerings, and devotion by devout Buddhists. The Buddha, who never claimed to be God, has become a god in every sense of the word.