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Sally Morgan is "Britain's best-loved psychic"

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Dolt | 21:36 Tue 11th Oct 2011 | Society & Culture
67 Answers
Is she, or is she a fake?
A friend of mine went to see her last month, she was sitting in the back row on the fourth level of the theatre and there was a small room behind her (like a projection room) the window was open, my friend and her pal heard a man's voice and "everything that the man was saying SM was saying it 10 seconds later.


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so the bloke in the box is a psychic, and sally can read his mind.

this is voodoo at its best. where can i see it ?
I would urge your friend to report it to Trading Standards, there are laws protecting against fraudulent goods and services. I think what you are describing is not what you expected or paid for! I would also go to the newspapers If I were your friend, there is a great deal of interest in this case because many bereaved and grieving people have been affected if its all a fake. Why is it that she wears an earpiece? Why is there no proof offered that she is psychic? Is she hiding something?
Chups, its not fraudulent, these shows are advertised as entertainment only!!

It must be viewed that way, its entertainment!!

Personally I would like to see the whole lot banned from this type of show!
The only reason shows put on by mediums are labelled, "for entertainment only", is because legally they have to; which is State religious intolerance. I'm still waiting for Songs of Praise to start with the statement, "It's all just for a laugh really, you can't really believe all this God bull.".
why hasnt doris stokes ever come back ''from the other side'' to tell us what its like ''on the other side''.ive got an open mind on such matters but if sm is fake then its a shame really..and she has preyed on people who are struggling to come to terms with the death of a loved one...and that is unforgivable...
Of course she's a fake.

Anybody gullible and naive enough to believe that somebody can communicate with the dead is a moron and deserves to be fleeced.
That's a bit harsh flip_flop. These people are looking for some comfort in what may be a bereaved and vulnerable state of mind. Yes the level headed among us might think it's all a crock of sh!t but each to their own. Saying they deserved to be fleeced is uncalled for.
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Possibly uncalled for missnemesis - but I'm afraid I've just got no time for people who believe this old pony. Bereaved or not, the idea that somebody can talk to a dead person is so patently absurd, that even the most grieving of people must, surely, realise that it is all complete b0ll0cks?

People will be believing that there's an omnipotent being next....
They are all fakes for gullible people.
flip_flop, A bit harsh I think!!

A lot of the people that go to these events are often distraught by a death and will take drastic steps just for a chance of communication.

I dont think they "deserve to be fleeced"
There was a hilarious interview on the radio the other day with Simon Singh and that other well-known con artist Uri Geller.
I;d have more sympathy for people like Morgan and Geller if they admitted to being magicians. The trouble is, tho, in the case of Morgan, if she admitted the truth her "act" would fall apart. As it is she does pray on the distress of bereaved relatives for profit and it is rather despicable, in my opinion.
"prey" ("!)
This may be true with large venues - but what about private sittings on a one to one basis - if people get told personal stuff, that the psychic could not possilby know.
she was in the paper yesterday sorting a 'hidden' microphone :-)
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I think she actually an earpiece in both ears.
Just realised, one of the earpieces was her microphone...but that doesn't explain the other one.
Towie, //This may be true with large venues - but what about private sittings on a one to one basis - if people get told personal stuff, that the psychic could not possilby know. //

The likes of Darren Brown has demonstrated how easy it is quite a few time.
Someone on here real name jenny or Ginny father was Mark or maybe mike... he says you will find the answer in the box in the top of his wardrobe.... and also the pets are here on the other side with him...

I bet at least one poster will connect with this.... and I could build from there

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Sally Morgan is "Britain's best-loved psychic"

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