The initial question is a fair one and is about equity for all citizens rather than benefits for the few. IMO if the job offered a generous pension then it ought not be changed afterwards, but one can understand anger when some are getting their fair benefits as agreed whilst the rest of us are, or are in danger of, getting our agreements reneged on. Not to mention the excuses given why we should all be forced to work years more in order to allow those on welfare to stay there. The big question is why some seem to have such a better deal than others, private or not. And it is all very well saying had we wanted these conditions we could have applied, I suspect the chances of getting in are slim, which doesn't make it right. Just because we can all apply doesn't mean we can all be firemen, or whatever. We life in a very inequitable society. Maybe society needs better guidelines as to what can be offered and what constitutes an unfair offer.