These instances you detail are all shocking, horrifying even, to any right minded individual. They should be condemned unreservedly, the perpetrators punished. Who would attempt to say otherwise?
But reciting a list of such offences does not, of itself,offer proof of any kind of general cultural decline into a brutish hinterland. unless you can objectively demonstrate that things were better in some other England (And what about Wales, or Scotland, or are they hopelessly beyond redemption?) - An Albion where people were excellent to each other, that such actions rarely or never happened, or that somehow such actions are more vicious than they ever were.
And you can't.
The reality is that there is no Jerusalem - a land bathed in the golden glow of righteousness from which we have strayed through immigration and multiculturalism or banning corporal punishment. Such a vision of the past usually comes from wearing rose-tinted spectacles. :)