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Lol Hoppy. That made me chuckle :P
Cazz, I do recycle. I don't see how I can do any more than I'm already doing, to be honest.
Old_geezer, That sounds highly frustrating and I understand where you're coming from. Where I used to live, there was a lane behind the houses in my street and someone used to constantly dump stuff there. We had a fence with no gate, so no access to the lane, but once I looked over and couldn't believe how much crap had been dumped there! Bags and bags of rubbish, turf, old paint pots and, randomly, a baby's highchair! It looked absolutely awful and even though I couldn't see it, I had to get it removed as I didn't want people thinking it had come from our house. It was literally just dumped at the end of our garden behind the fence. Why do people do it? Laziness!!
Zedbloke, we have one large wheelie bin which we have to put black bags in. They must contain only non-recyclable waste.
We then have three green recycling boxes for glass, metal, paper and plastic (not sure why there's only three!?)
There is then a brown recycling box (a small one) which is for food waste. That is the only one I don't use.
The extra bags I had were a mixture of non recyclable and food waste.