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Why Do We Have Prostitution?

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sevenOP | 16:54 Thu 22nd Jan 2015 | Society & Culture
96 Answers
Why do we have prostitution ?


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Supply & demand; same reason other services are bought & sold.
17:03 Thu 22nd Jan 2015
I notice sqad's answer assumes that the man goes elsewhere because of "wife problems" - what if he hasn't got a wife, just fancies a bit of uncomplicated sex?
You know what Sqad is like.
I doubt most of the women smell of roses either Ummmm
It meets a long felt want.
Save yourself some dosh and pay a visit to Mrs. Palm and her five daughters...

\\\\\The male may not be able to sustain a strong and meaningful relationship with a woman and compensates by casual sex. \\\\

I really thought that the above sentence from my post covered the "single man scenario."

Nowadays, prefer a bag of chips, what about you lot? make a very good and poignant point........

You are miles away from your OH, in a hotel room or suite, had a shower, shave, warm and comfortable...............what is one missing.........................a bag of chips.

Yes....a good old romantic.
The issue is Sqad when we men are working hard ( You Know what I mean?) are sweating our @rses off, you women are laughing at our grunts, we may suffer a heart attack & you come out with the romantic statement, the celling could do with painting, how's that for a downer? then the little lad goes ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to a shrivel lol lol
To add Sqad, the Times I used to be driving, you had to go for a pint, the reason then, the cab ( HGV) had no Curtains, Over night Heater, Ice in Winter on the IN-SIDE, yes, on the in-side, if you wanted a Pee it was open the door slightly & hope for the best?? we could not afford Hotels / Digs at that time, them were the days, a lot was spent at Northampton, Ummmm used to bring me my tea & sarni's, although I call her she's not a bad lass lol lol xx
Lol...did you used to park up in the Super Sausage?? :-)
YOU KNOW where WE USED TO PARK lol lol Opp the baths!, & I thought I had a bad memorie lol
That's a P & D carpark now. Still, not far from the Super Sausage. Super Sausage was where a lot of prostitutes hung out looking for willing truck drivers...
I can see why they^ have entered the next 'European City of Culture' competition. ;-)
If I got to that Stage Ummmm, I would have taken it " In Hand" Away from home I had the chance, what's the point for going for liver when I had steak at home, sorry for putting that way but you know what I mean? a long distance lorry you or did you know "Kate's Cabin" on the A1?
Well they were never high class prostitutes.
Nowadays, prefer a bag of chips, what about you lot?

Sqad make a very good and poignant point........

You are miles away from your OH, in a hotel room or suite, had a shower, shave, warm and comfortable...............what is one missing.........................a bag of chips.

Well at least a bag of chips will be warmer than a melon.
I will have been there Sqad, Is that on the Roundabout Nr Grantham?
Kate's Cabin ? I think a wee story to follow from sqad ?

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