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Haha - Canary, that almost got me the sack a while back when I had a job as an office clerk.
I was sitting with the directors around the boardroom table eating lunch one day and they persuaded me to make up the numbers for a card game they used to play (because the MD was absent).
I reluctantly joined them but kept forgetting when it was my turn to deal and one of them - a younger director, after I asked for about the fifth time
"oh sorry, is it my deal" said with lowered head and flickering eyelids
"a-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y!" to which I retorted
"Why don't you just say ....YES"?
Now he was a typical spoilt brat younger brother of the MD, who used to boast about attending young Conservative dances and spoke with a put on posh accent and NO ONE was ever supposed to question him.
Everyone in the room cringed as his anger rash glowed as he let rip with a few swear words at me.