I was going to post something facetious, to the effect that, for a religion of peace, it is curious how much land it (sorry, its adherents, variously loose or tight) conquered (as far as the gates of Vienna etc.) but, today I learned that Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians, before Islam existed.
Obviously, peaceful conversion is different from military conquest but, once you've fallen under control of the priest figure and they instruct the congregation to submit to the authority of the Caliph (resident in some, possibly remote, country) then you are just as surely conquered as if troops had marched in and taken control.
Your taxes go to the Caliph and, if you are very lucky, he might decide to built a facility (largely for his benefit, obvs) in your country. Other than that, you'll have to have a whip-round if you want to advance your countries infrastructure and assets any further. If the Caliph's henchmen see it as a threat to their income stream or hegemony and smash it up, then that's just tough.