Crosswords1 min ago
Is There Any Evidence That As Science Give Suitable Explanation For Natural Phenomena Encountered, The Lure Of Religion Will Gradually Diminish?
124 Answers
Church attendances are down in many western countries but is this the case for other religions?
Phenomena can be scientifically explained, proved & verified, without having to invoke explanations that involve the spiritual world. Invoking the name of God on complex issues (as in the dark ages) can hinder the seeking of explanations & solutions from a scientific & logical standpoint to pressing issues.
Phenomena can be scientifically explained, proved & verified, without having to invoke explanations that involve the spiritual world. Invoking the name of God on complex issues (as in the dark ages) can hinder the seeking of explanations & solutions from a scientific & logical standpoint to pressing issues.
Naomi... science has poured enough cold water on the main-stream beliefs of Christianity , Judaism, and Islam, to effectively disprove all the main tenets of their structures. If you strip away all the fairy stories associated with those religions, there is nothing left. Science doesn't have to prove that there is no God....its up to religions to prove...
10:23 Fri 11th Aug 2017
Zacs-Master: "there is no explanation for dark matter. And the more we observe about our universe, the more of a mystery it becomes"
Dark matter & Dark energy are mass and energy that are not visible when observed in telescopes - as sort of invisible mass and energy.
http:// www.ind ependen /news/s cience/ ghost-g alaxy-d ark-mat ter-dra gonfly- 44-invi sible-m ilky-wa y-a7209 881.htm l reports, "Scientists have found a “ghost” galaxy – roughly the same mass as our own, but entirely made up of DARK MATTER. Dragonfly 44 is almost entirely made up of dark matter, the mysterious – and for now mostly theoretical – stuff that makes up 27 per cent of the universe but has never actually been seen. Astronomers found out about the strange ghost galaxy by looking at the movement of the galaxy’s stars – movement that seemed to be influenced by matter that doesn’t by normal measures exist. Only 5 per cent of the interchangeable mass-energy of the universe is made up of the kind of normal matter that we can see and touch. Dark matter makes up a large part of the rest. Despite the fact that it constitutes 27 per cent of the universe, it doesn’t reflect light and can’t be seen by any means so far. The remaining part of the universe is made by something even more confusing. DARK ENERGY makes up 68 per cent of the universe, and is a kind of anti-gravitational force that is pushing galaxies apart, more and more quickly".
Dark matter & Dark energy are mass and energy that are not visible when observed in telescopes - as sort of invisible mass and energy.
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