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SparklyKid | 14:00 Tue 12th Nov 2019 | Society & Culture
101 Answers
Am I wrong when watching soaps to squirm and shut my eyes when two gay men have a passionate embrace.

Todays soaps seem full of it. Call me intolerant or whatever, I do not want to watch those scenes.


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"And yet, spath, on other posts, you claim the only difference between a man and a woman, is what they "claim to be". "

I've actually never said that the only difference between me nand women is what they claim to be. Why would I say such a silly thing? I woldn't.
Yes. Unless you are bisexual, it just proves you don't really think of them as "women".
You do, fairly regularly...
Aye because i'm not attracted to someone who isn't comfortable in their body to the point they have to go out of their way to change their life. I've no time for that.

It's a personality thing, nothign to do with gender.
"You do, fairly regularly... "

Noithing stopping you from doing copy and paste job to highlight ehat i've said? (Of course the context is helpful also)
I don't need to c&p. I will just ask outright x do you think that a man who identifies "as a woman" is one?
No. They would be a transwoman.
Ah! That is a great improvement... as that is a man... pleased to see that :-)
That's not what I said. I said that would make them a "transwoman".

Are you a femenist Pixie?
What does that mean?.) I think everyone should have equal rights, if that is what you mean. I don't believe that some should take over the rights of others though.
And that is what you said. How many biological sexes are you claiming there are? (Not gender).
If a feminist is equal opportunities between women and men, then, yes.
So is that a yes or a no? I'm confused.
OK so do you support trans men and women to be able to have equal rights?
Of course, spath. They already do. Everyone should. I don't agree that they should take over the rights of other people though (anybody...).
And what "rights" would they be "taking over" by having "equal rights"?
equal rights, and opertunity!
None. They already have equal rights. Which rights do they not have, that everyone else does?
Pixie do you know, and understand the disorder "Gender dysphoria"?
Yes. But you haven't answered my question.
I've no need to answer your question.

Why would you make someone who has gender dysphoria have a minor mental breakdown simply because you feel too entitled not to share your bathroom space (with seperate cubicles anyhow) with this person? That doesn't sound very equal.

Especially after the 2010 equality act states that in general, organisations that provide separate or single‑sex services for women and men, or provide different services to women and men, are required to treat transsexual people according to the gender role in which they present.

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