Any pointless, contentious thread where the OP plays agent provocateur to instil discord.
The answer is fairly simple, really, and can be deduced from boolean logic.
Do you believe in god? If you don't, the question is moot so end.
Do you believe that god created the universe out of nothing but otherwise has taken no further interest in his creation and is just happy to let nature just get on with it? If so, you're a deist, so end, though you are a rare breed who believes both in creationism and evolution!
If you believe that god takes an active interest in the conduct of humans, then you're now stuck between a rock and a hard place! You then have to decide whether god will forgive those sins which you really tried not to make but just couldn't, for whatever reason - the frailty of man, and all that, then you're good! You're going to heaven right there! Pat on the back from St Peter and time to put a deposit down on your own cloud.
But, if you're a murderer or a thief or an adulterer or otherwise in contravention of the ten commandments, and you did it on purpose, then it's down below for you. Time to meet St Nick and all his little wizards, with a pitchfork up the fundament for all eternity.
Of course, you could always stop being such a religious nut-job and do something useful with your life.