” Do you believe that God created all things ? If so, you’re not alone; many young people (and adults) share your view. But others say that life and the universe evolved ?? .without the help of a “Supreme Being. Why is that question important ? Because the Bible encourages you to use your MIND, “your POWER OF REASON .” That means your belief in God should not be based merely on the influence of others ,When I see a house, a cruise ship, or a car, I ask myself, ‘Who built this?’ It takes intelligent people to build a car, for example, because so many small components have to work just right for the whole thing to function. And if cars have to be designed by someone, then so do we humans. ??? then just ask yourself ,,did just full out of the sky ???? Matthew 5:3)
Locusts, why you believe in God seems to work fine for you, but what you have said is unlikely to convince others. 'The Creation is beyond our imagination' sounds quite lyrical, but that's all.
Where there is no evidence for a designer why would one look at it from a designer's perspective ? The point still holds, no designer necessary means you can not rationally compare cars, which needs a designer, with life that doesn't. No plan book, no manufacturing, no designed/created article. You are introducing an unjustified assumption and muddying the discussion. One should seek clarity not concealment.
locusts, theists state nothing comes from nothing so the big bang and evolution could not have happened, therefore your God created the universe. How did your God create the universe if nothing comes from nothing? What did he use in the creation?
vulcan42, regarding your "How did your God create the universe if nothing comes from nothing? What did he use in the creation?"
I read an interesting take by someone who believed in a 'creating force':
"So whatever caused time and every natural thing to begin to exist must not be subject to time and natural laws...
So, that only leaves us with the hypothesis that something must have always existed eternally which is not natural and therefore not subject to the laws of cause and effect and which could create a universe and life."
locusts @ you have good insight on the scriptures, the Bible say at Hebrews 3:4 Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.
Stars and planets form themselves, they are not "constructed", the forces of nature form them. Rather than agreeing that "clever" analogies support your argument for a god, you might be better off looking at how the physical world works.
I have and the conclusion, can be said of the One who created and harnessed such forces of the material universe, His power and energy are far greater than these things that he made.
“Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? [A mere earth-bound atom-smashing scientist? Oh no!] It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. [All the astronomers together cannot so much as count or number the stars, much less call them all by name.] Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he [Jehovah] also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing.” (Isa. 40:26)
Yes, not only by Jehovah’s dynamic energy and vigorous power did he create and fashion the whole celestial cosmos into one grand and harmonious unity, but he also controls and uses it to suit his sovereign will and glorious purpose. What an awesome display of almightiness! you miss
//not only by Jehovah’s dynamic energy and vigorous power did he create and fashion the whole celestial cosmos into one grand and harmonious unity, but he also controls and uses it to suit his sovereign will and glorious purpose//
So he also created cancer to suite his purpose then?
He's a dick.
//What an awesome display of almightiness! you miss//
No one has missed his almighty display of starvation, cancer, kids been born without limbs, polio, covid, spina-bifida, smallpox, chickenpox, mumps, measles, ebola, typhoid, etc.
or his list of natural disasters, earthquakes, storms, lightening strikes, tidal waves, volcano eruptions.
Where to stop??
//but he also controls and uses it //
As I said... he's a dick then.
Evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. I believe in both. God used evolution to create. One day in Gods time is not necessarily 24 hours in human time
//Evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive//
Yes they are, and no amount of fannying around with bible verses such as 2 Peter 3:8 is going to cut it.
can you see Mt 5 3
does it ring a bell - blessed are the poor in spirit
nothing to do - you will be completely unsurprised to learn with car design
but ho hum we read as we find
//Well if stop taking all things out of the earth you would stop the problem//
LOL Seriously?
If you stop taking things out of the Earth, volcanoes would stop erupting? Tidal waves would stop engulfing people? Comets would stop crashing into the Earth? Earthquakes would stop swallowing people alive? Gallaxy's would stop colliding? Stars wouldnt burn out after a few billion years?
Better stop using coal products then if you're so concerned?