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What Do Non Americans Think Of Joe Biden?

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Cindy1302 | 04:17 Thu 22nd Sep 2022 | Society & Culture
73 Answers
A question for those who do not live in America. What do you think of Joe Biden?


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that's not saying much though is it.
sorry to be a party pooper
does it matter
alot of us think he is senile
i already said so. It does matter sadly, leader of the free world or so they say.
Boris gave a very very good speech on the death of Her Majesty

ite missa est - - erm missed that
( actually that IS'NT the Latin but no one on AB knows that)
erm 1861 or 1961
just asking
He seems decent enough for a politician, I still miss Obama though.
so do i, intelligent man Obama, perhaps America wasn't ready for a black President, he also seemed a decent man.
An honest man with integrity, regrettably age taking its toll. A complete contrast to his predecessor.
'An honest man with integrity'
I believe he is a weak leader, well past his best, confused and unable to deliver a coherent argument without a teleprompter. Having said that, I do respect the office of President and do believe he won the election and is legitimately the President Americans voted for.
I think he's past his use by date. Too much confusion, too many gaffs. But there again, one must suspect any American who thinks that they're Irish.

I think that he is no friend of the UK, would be satisfied if it broke up and the Ulster unionists betrayed as the Irish island united; and you have my sympathy that he was the best choice for president that you could find. But sometimes you have to choose what you think is least destructive.
Regarding the comment on Obama, he wasn't black. His father qualified but his mother was white. That makes Obama grey (or gray, if you must).
He is old, but certainly not senile.
His Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was the best piece of legislation than anything we got from the last four US Presidents.
I only wish we had the same leadership. In the UK, Sunak was asleep at the job, and inflation, a cost of living crisis, strikes and recession are the result.
Biden has borrowed heavily to invest in the country’s infrastructure. Truss is borrowing heavily to fund tax cuts for the rich to get re-elected in 2024.
If he's not senile, I'd love to know what his excuse is?

If Biden was our grandpa, I think we'd all be seriously worried about him, put it that way. He shuffles like someone with dementia, struggles to string a sentence together, falls regularly (up the stairs or off the bike) and almost every speech he makes has to be "corrected" by the White House to "clarify" what the President actually meant. Only a matter of time before we see him wearing a bib, and him being padded up and wheeled about. Sad.
And yet the many gaffes by Johnson made him beloved by many. Most of his policies had to be u-turned very quickly because they were plain nonsense. As for getting Brexit done - he didn’t.
Johnson was born in America, but the question was what do Brits think of Biden.
Completely agree with Spungle. Nature has taken its course and sadly America are left with a weak leader who has some sort of cognitive 'challenge'.
What do I think of Biden? Not a lot.

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