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What Do Non Americans Think Of Joe Biden?

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Cindy1302 | 04:17 Thu 22nd Sep 2022 | Society & Culture
73 Answers
A question for those who do not live in America. What do you think of Joe Biden?


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He is too old and he has form for being creepy around females. There are better Democrat candidates for potus.

However, he is not insane and doesn't seem to want to dismantle the democratic system in the US to install himself as a Putin style dictator. Therefore far better than Trump, and all the Republicans that supported Trump.
At least I can respect America again under Joe Biden, I couldn't under Trump.
Dont know why Americans can't pick someone younger for President. I dont know a lot about US internal politics, but from the outside the country looks very divided, perhaps even on the slide to civil war.
Trump i hope is jailed soon
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I have reported your "Go Brandon". If you thought that was amusing, sorry no
fiveleaves, if you hadn't posted that at 15:56 I would have no idea of the reference, nor would I have bothered to find out. I don't think I am the only one who has never heard that phrase before.
If you want to report a post, best to do it quietly, without drawing attention to the perceived offence
That escalated quickly.
I confess to running to Google and being impressed by the quick thinking news reporter.
so what about Go Brandon...that's not exactly the insult of th century. Gully et al haven't picked up on it ré their mates Boris and Rishi or now Liz and Kwasi, so that puts the remark in perspective - in other words, 'irrelevant'.
He was too old to become President and he walks badly and gets confused easily - he's a disaster as far as I'm concerned.
How about Josh Hawley having a run at the office, Rep and just 41. The youngest Democrat senator is Jon Ossof at 35 - now that would be an interesting race.
He seems a nice guy but dont think he'll be there much longer. I'm not sure who'd take his place though. It's sad to see he struggles at times, with his speech, balance etc.
Not being one glued to all what's taking place on the other side of the pond, i don't know if Biden has done well or not in his short time as POTUS. That would be for the Americans themselves to decide. And while he may look senile and confused, at times, he isn't proving how confused he is by Tweeting ridiculous comments every waking hour.
I watched a video this morning on the Daily Mail showing Biden confused on stage and having to ask how to get off. I can't find it now, but it was horrible to see. Getting old is not always nice.
Forgot to say, I preferred Trump.
Fiveleaves, with all that’s said on here on a day to day basis about various people in politics reporting that was pathetic. I had to Google it. I had no idea what it meant until you made a fuss.
It's pathetique. In the first place Go Brandon means nothing.
Secondly, Biden said 'Let's Go Brandon' himself.
So why would someone, even someone with severe TDS, pretend to give a Let's?
Joe who?
Do these decrepit jokers have any desire or ability to lead the (supposedly) greatest nation - politics in general is the sickest joke of the 21st century.
Can’t criticize him for being old, same age as myself, but it Is odd that he describes himself as Irish, seen him say this publicly more than one, he is American is he not ? Although he, like others before him in the U S, thinks he is entitled to interfere with uk affairs , like scuttling attempts to resolve the NI protocol issue. Not to mention the continuance of the “UK back of the queue” we suffered from under woke Obama. Trade deal? No way from grandpa Joe.
Blackstoun...American here, though I've lived in the UK 30+ years.
Most Americans are proud of their roots...whether German, Irish, Italian, native American, or a mix...and will speak about themselves as being of that background. That is the only explanation I can think of as to why Biden describes himself as Irish.

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