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Prince Harry

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fourteen85 | 07:49 Mon 01st May 2023 | Society & Culture
485 Answers
There has been talk in the press lately about him having lied on his visa form to gain entry to the USA, could he be stopped from re entering after the coronation?


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'she was told that if she didn't do what she was paid to do, she would be out on her ear'

Is there evidence of this?

//Additionally, grown people who are abused do not usually go willingly back for more.//

That's the case for everyday folk, but for teenaged victims of human trafficking who may well feel that they have no choice in the matter, I'd imagine it's a very different kettle of fish.

Anyhoo, let's see if actual debate can replace the sniping and name calling shall we?
//Alas this is the new AB//

In fairness Anne, it doesn't seem too different from the old AB.
I'm glad your back Mozz!
Fourteen - is there any evidence that he actually lied or is it all just the press being anti Harry and Meghan?

I saw a silly story where it was suggested that Meghan had in fact gone to the Coronation in disguise as a man!
Thank you Lottie!
Helen, was she wearing one of those masks with the glasses, false nose and moustache? :-)
Naomi. I'm pleased you've admitted that the posts are only what you think. You see, when you make statements like the following, they appear as facts:

'They both consented - in fact they met on three separate occasions so they must have liked it.'

'she was enjoying all the benefits that mixing with the wealthy bring'

'She was a willing partner'

'She was a willing participant'

When people present facts, it's fairly reasonable to ask for proof.
Lottie, I realise Nami has read a lot about this case and so have I, I've even watched videos on YouTube about it. Namoi may word things differently than I do, but on the whole, we are on the same track. I must admit I haven't read ALL the posts but would I be right in saying Naomi has stated she thinks Guiffre was willing? If this is the case then I do disagree with that as Andrew wasn't the only person she had to entertain and I'm sure girls who do this for money, would not do it willingly but do it because they don't have much choice. Lottie, please let me know if I've perceived this wrongly.
she was apparently sitting next to Lloyd Webber dressed as a man wearing false moustache and facial hair - honestly!!
Zacs, I thought solid facts ended with the phrase "End of". ;-)
Helen, I've seen the picture, the bloke looked like Jed Clampett from The Beverly Hillbillies.
Yes Mozz that's the one
I'm sure none of us have met any of the people we are discussing here, all of us only know what we have read in different newspapers and this is the only proof we have.
It's down to us to believe what we want to believe and that's all there is to it.
Helen's post about Meghan going dressed as a man is one of those stories that some would actually believe because they saw it in the paper. I'm sure that nobody on here would actually believe that, but I bet there will be some people that do.
Barsel. There are a lot of women who enjoy their lives as prostitutes and enjoy or just don't care about the sex. They choose to do it for a career and a good lifestyle. Pimps don't come into the equation. Perhaps Virginia enjoyed her time with Prince Andrew! Perhaps at 17 she was quite happy to be part of the team. Who knows? But why was it Prince Andew she targeted 20 years on. What a ou the others?
oooo I don't know Barsel - there are many on here that have shown their dislike almost hatred of Meghan that they may well believe it.
'It's down to us to believe what we want to believe and that's all there is to it.'

I agree. But when people state things as facts (as per the examples I've given above) they are straying into different territory to 'beliefs'.
Miss T - she did actually 'target' quite a few of her alleged abusers
Zacs, //I'm pleased you've admitted that the posts are only what you think. //

Your endorsement is neither sought nor wanted. You weren't there and neither was I. It's all about what any of us 'thinks' - but carry on gnawing the bone if that's what pleases you.

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