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Prince Harry

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fourteen85 | 07:49 Mon 01st May 2023 | Society & Culture
485 Answers
There has been talk in the press lately about him having lied on his visa form to gain entry to the USA, could he be stopped from re entering after the coronation?


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I'd nominate her for best screenplay and director too.
I find it difficult to understand how apparent 'intelligent' adults can have such dislike and hatred for someone they have never met or are likely to ever meet!
I believe she was invited to the Coronation. I also think that any loving wife would accompany her husband and support him even if it was the child's 4th birthday.
If she had turned she would have been slated
RH, when people give their opinions in public, personal contact isn't necessary in order to form an opinion. Have you never formed a negative opinion of someone you've never met?
Not to the point where the bile is dripping - no!
Red, I admit I hate Trump and dislike quite a few others. One of them an ex A
RH, Meghan is the author of her own misfortune.
What is her 'misfortune'?
//I also think that any loving wife would accompany her husband and support him even if it was the child's 4th birthday.//

I have to disagree with that Lottie. I'd take my kid's birthday over any other social event, especially one said kid wasn't invited to. Surely Charles knew that the proposed coronation date clashed with Archie's birthday and could've moved it accordingly. Maybe he wanted to give Harry a viable excuse not to attend?
I assume people's dislike of her now, Zac. She was very popular initially. But I doubt she cares. She's got what she wanted.
They could have brought the children with them.
i dont care if your dad is being coronated the king of england im not comfortable ok and its all about me and how i feel
birthdays ha something that happens to us all every year but a coronation oh that is very rare just one person not us all and not every year some poor excuses here poor poor poor
Roadman - /i dont care if your dad is being coronated the king of england im not comfortable ok and its all about me and how i feel/

Did she say that?

Naomi - if she had turned up with the children , you and those with your way of thinking would have slated her from the moment it was announced for trying to steal the limelight or making everything about her!

Can you really not see that?
can we ban 'coronated' as a verb - to crown
he was being crowned....

a fluffy beebism I note - it is a back-formation ( like donation to donate) and very ugly one in my opinion !

I note the marriage of Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn 1533, the crowds ran frooda streets, shouting " The King's Botch!"
Naomi - if she had turned up ........ ..... or making everything about her!

yeah agree with that - wiv Meghan ( bless!) it is all about Meghan

who was it who pleaded - - cant you see dat?
RH, //Naomi - if she had turned up with the children , you and those with your way of thinking would have slated her from the moment it was announced for trying to steal the limelight or making everything about her! //

I would? Have you ever heard me say that? You haven't - because it isn't what I think. You criticise me for taking umbrage with what I've actually heard her say - and criticise me further for what I haven't said and am unlikely to say. I think you need to rein in your over-active imagination and sort out the flaw in your own thinking before criticising others. Quite extraordinary.
Not everbody is like that. I am slating her for declining the inviteand not being there for her husband. He looked so uncomfortable.

And roadman that would not match you statement about doing what you want. Sometimes you have to think of others. But perhaps Harry didn' t want her there. Who knows

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