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Ok As Promised - Suggestions To Halt Islamification

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ToraToraTora | 09:08 Thu 09th May 2024 | Society & Culture
137 Answers

NB for the pedants and nit pickers there may be exceptions to the suggestions below, I will mention them if I think about them, if I do not that just means I cannot think of an exception. This list is by no means exhaustive. You may note that many of the suggestions apply to any religion. Feel free to add your own suggestions.

1.  Automatic rejection of any immigrant or asylum seeker that is Muslim.

2. No accommodation for the rituals or demands of any religion in schools. Religious education as a subject is allowed but must cover all main religions. All current religious schools to be converted or closed down.

3. No provision for any religion in the work place and no practicing the rituals of any religion. Employers can instantly dismiss any transgression.

4. Any extreme preaching (current UK definition) will result in instant arrest and internment until trial. If guilty 10 years to life no remission.

5. No Hijab or burka, full face coverings allowed in public.

6. No preaching except within the building designated for the purpose of the religion.

7. The production and supply of Halaal and Kosher meat would be illegal. Both Islam and Judaism have provision in their scriptures for this.

8. No religious “courts” , “councils” or other pseudo bodies to be allowed.

9. Local authorities and government generally are barred from any sort of special religious provision.

10. Any Islamic TV or radio channel must be closed down, any transgression should be treated as in 4.

11. Demonstrations are allowed but any extremist talk or placard will be treated as in 4.

12. Close down any jihadist web sites, blogs, Videos and prosecute those responsible where possible as in 4.

13. Block Imams access to any place of education, prisons, forces etc

14. Any attempt at implementing anything from sharia law to be prosecuted as in 4.

15. Allow no new mosques unless an old mosque is decommissioned. The total number of mosques to not exceed what it is now.



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First of all, Tora: Thank you. You've out your money where your mouth is so to speak and come up with suggestions to curb radicalisation. So many on both sides of the politics debate are blinkered and have their stock go-to opinions with no back up, so credit to you for this whole post, regardless of how much people agree with. Now, some opinions. A blanket ban on...
12:55 Thu 09th May 2024

Thought you were a mod Naomi? In spite of this you allow your cronies to say anything they want without censure.

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what do you object to maggie?

what about underpants? or do imams go commando ?

 Please make an effort to conduct this discussion in a civilised manner. - rather obvious statement that any disliked statement will be deleted.

Note: reference to concentration camps OK because the British invented them and used them in South Sfrica 1900 - of is het verboden ? Just practising my nederlands there 

Yeah I wd say the selective deletion is.... interesting - but hey that is what makes it AB !

Maggiebee, I don't have any 'cronies'.  

Maggie, what has Naomi supposedly done/not done? This thread has been running quite nicely without too many clashes or petty squabbles. I can't see your issue?

naomi - // I would ban all Islamic clothing.  For millions choice doesn't come into it. //


Take an example of oppressive control inside a Muslim home by a man focing his wife to go out covered up, so no other man can look at her.

And then oppress her outside the home by banning her from wearing a piece of religious apparel, which is what it is, regardless of the insidiuous use it carries.

Yes, that sounds like a reasonable society looking to welcome and integrate people from other faiths and cultures.

maggiebee - // Thought you were a mod Naomi? In spite of this you allow your cronies to say anything they want without censure. //

I can, and do, clash with Naomi on a regular basis in terms of her posts as an AB'er, but I have never found her moderation anything less than fair and reasonable.

No Moderators permit posts that contravene Site Rules to stand, regardless who posts them, including their fellow Moderators.

Your assertion that naomi is favouring someone - anyone - by allowing rule transgressions on the basis of favouritism is utterly baseless.

If you disagree with a post, then report it, but to accuse a Moderator personally of favouritism when none whatosever is evidenced, is unjustified.

You should withdraw your observation, and apologise.

Andy Hughes, people who do that don't generally integrate with other faiths and cultures - hence conversations like this one.  Funny how people of other Asian faiths are rarely, if ever, the subject of such discussions. 

Andy Hughes, 14.35.  Thank you for that.

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I'm still trying understand what the problem is. This has been a good civil discussion.

-- answer removed --

Best just to move on.

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so maggie you accuse naomi of biased modding, I presume I am a "crony" yet you won't tell us what your objection is. This has been a good solid discussion with some very good contributions. I would be sad to see it taken down, especially as I have no clue what the problem is.

The post from Naomi24 at 12:48 is strange, to say the least.

The OP, suggesting ways to subjugate a sizeable minority of our fellow countrymen isn't to be compared to another regime that once did the same.

naomi - // Andy Hughes, people who do that don't generally integrate with other faiths and cultures - hence conversations like this one. //

A fair point.

But we can hardly wag fingers about people who fail to integrate, when the example we set is a draconian ban on chosen dress in public.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

naomi - // Andy Hughes, 14.35.  Thank you for that. //

You are welcome.

Andy Hughes, the term 'draconian' is more appropriately applied to the dress code.

The clothing one is an interesting topic probably worthy of discussion in its own right.

I do think the more extreme clothing (the so called pilar box) should be banned in public ans should anything that covers the face (for anyone) simply for security.

There is of course the issue of women being 'persuaded' to wear such clothing.  There is s nice lady with two kids across the road from me. As soon as her husband walked off came the clobber including the headscarf.  He reappears for a short while during covid and on it went again.  The guess what he left again and off it came.

Another odity I experienced at a place of work was a young girl who decided that whe should start wearing her headscarf - with the tiniest skirts you could imagine (and no not the right attire for work).  Bizzare to say the least.

The right to be able to see who others are trumps the right to wear whatever you wish.


Sometimes one has to decide between clashing rights as to which dominates and overrides the other.

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