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douglas9401 | 10:18 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
11 Answers

Caps, coils, tablets, injections, just some of the ways to prevent pregnancy while still getting jiggy.

Two kids are enough, we won't pay for your laziness or selfishness.



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Why are the swaeties so keen on more saucepans?

I remember when you couldn't get child benefit (family allowance as it was then) for the first child. 

Which is exactly the wrong way around. But I suppose after the war the authorities wanted a quick replacement for the deceased.

I think the number of children you have is down to personal choice.  Nothing to do with laziness or selfishness IMO.  Having said that accidents do happen but I am vehemently oppsed to abortion.

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Thanks for all that, maggie.

By all means hump for Scotland but not on the taxpayers pound.

stop it dougie, I can't unread that!

Get real dougie.  I've always paid my way - worked all my life and paid my taxes.  Been retired 16 years and still paying tax. 

Douglas 10:37 is bang on.

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Maggie, I wasn't suggesting YOU do it but rather THEY.


Silly me. When my wife said condoms, I thought she said condones.

There's no such thing as an accidental pregnancy.

A cap on two kids is about right - if you can't afford more then don't have more.

Can anybody imagine going to their boss and asking more more money due to a pregancy? I would imagine most bosses would tell them to do one.

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