Question Author
wow... that's low.
Just off the point but to answer the other questions
Naomi - sorry, first time back since my question. Yes, €50 to €60 per GP visit (they can charge what they like) but at least 20% more for an out of hours service; A&E is €120 per visit. You then have to pay for your medication - usually capped at €130 a month per family if you have a drug refund card, quite a few don't. About half the population has private insurance but you have to pay up front and claim back (unless you use the insurer's A&E, and there are only a couple in the country) so it's not easy being sick.
All rubbish collection is paid for, usually to private firms (in big towns/cities the councils still do this) at a rate of about €400 a year but water is supplied. Our income tax is 20% and 42% plus national insurance and some levies, this pays for all council services to private homes; as Annie has stated businesses pay for what they use. We pay car tax etc too.
Pensioners also get free tv licence, electricity and travel.