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Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.

Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

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In the Christian God. Theland, you are always extorting ABers to 'look it up' with regards to the Bible and Christianity. And you seem to have a distorted view of non-believers. I would ask YOU to...
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With so much controversial testimonies from both theists and atheists, where would YOU advise me to go for a definitive, evidence backed presentation of the truth?...
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If you are a materialistic secular atheist, then by definition, you believe that everything, that is all matter, energy, space, time and physical laws are contained within the universe. Therefore, the...
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I have shed my skin, come out of the chrysalis, and when I have dried my wings, I shall rey to fly. I want one of those nice pictures to go with my new body. So what do you believe if you believe...
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Theland Ben Shapiro just being alarmist, or should we be alarmed?...
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This lecture is a few years old and before James became ill, but is powerful, entertaining, and relevant to the subject of prophecy.
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Have you ever considered the possibility that by believing in certain prophecies your subsequent behavior influenced by said prophecy may be contributing to if not creating the necessary conditions...
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(Or Koran believers for that matter) What would it take to show that you are wrong? In my own experience it was the willingness to explore different points of view. It was painful but integrity and...
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This is one of my teachers, a brilliant expositor of the scriptures. Well worth investing 50 minutes of your time to listen to the numerous topics he discusses in the light...
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Some time ago, a few churches removed crosses in case they offended muslims who were being offered shelter there. Now German state of Bavaria has just passed a law insisting all public buildings must...
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First of all many thanks to all for your recent sentiments. I just have to affirm my belief in the fact that our society benefits entirely from our Judeo Christian heritage. In spite of various...
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Is it possible that the profusion of people wearing jeans ripped at the knees is a sign of much praying?
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Theland Lee Strobel is the legal editor of the Chicago Tribune. Invest 45 minutes of your life listening to his investigation into the truth about Christ. Abandon your worldview...
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If Hawaii exploded tomorrow morning (via volcano) and everyone died, would God still exist?...
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He posted a couple of nights ago that he wasn't well (but didn't elaborate) and that his missus was going to call an ambulance. Hasn't posted since. Hope that you're ok Theland, if ur looking in. Cant...
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We agree, I presume, that the universe is not eternal, but had a beginning about 13.7 billion years ago. That being the case, there are, in my opinion, only two possible causes for the created...
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Theland this lecture by John Lennox a fair hearing and then I would be interested in your comments. Thank you....
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Been away. Back now. Fully expecting comments to deflate me but that's OK. Been studying lots of stuff and my beliefs are stronger than ever. Anyway! I notice it is quiet around here. I will engage...
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Do Ghosts die of old age ?

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