I'm a lot better at picking up what's already happening, and as the teaching is the whole universe is connected as the Akashic Records, then the more we develop the better we can collect information from it. But as time is also not necessarily linear it does seem possible to pick things up that may not have happened on our line but happening on another version of it we will catch up with. The best examples I get nowadays are when the same things happen all in a bunch, and now not just to me but people around me. I've also found I've been directed to find certain things I'd never have found by looking, but by combinations of wrong turnings and looking for other things nearby have been sent to find extra ones as well. Had one slip not happened I would never have found them, it's not just happened once but a few times, and once I had a dream of the exact item I found months earlier. I wouldn't call it a premonition as the thing had been there for ages but I hadn't seen it.