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Praying in the street

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jomifl | 17:32 Fri 16th Sep 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
52 Answers
Why do muslims feel compelled to pray in the street when they do not have access to a mosque (this practice has just been banned in France)? Why don't they pray in a garden or park where they will not be a public nuisance.


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I live in a city with a high muslim population and I have never seen it
We caught the Derwentwater ferry after a fell walk only to find it was full of muslims having a ride round the lake, some of whom had the full gear and carrying prayer mats. We chatted amiably and when they alighted at Keswick out came the mats. It was no big deal.
Jomfli if it's causing a problem to other folk, it's not obvious from the videos. I couldn't see anyone objecting.
Sorry, spelt the name wrongly
I live near Bradford and I've never seen it.
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It used to happen outside Finsbury Park mosque.
You are talking about two different issues here. Your main question is about news in the paper and that is in France we are talking about. It only happens when more people (usually on Friday) turns up. First of all the same newspaper says that authorities asked them to hire abandoned Fire brigade places and so on.

Then your YouTube clip (Rome) look more like "one off" incidents where perhaps Muslims gathered for some purpose and they offered prayer there.

Either way if it creates any sort of problems for anyone or law does not allow then Islam does not allow that either.
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Hi Keyplus.. I was wondering if there was a requirement for muslims to either pray together or to pray at or near a holy place. If not then causing problems to non muslims by praying in the middle of a road junction seems to be less to do with religion than to be to do with making some kind of political point. If all devout muslims have read the Koran why do they need a mullah to interpret it for them? why can't they (and christians ) pray at home.
Sara admires people with faith.

I have never understood what there is to admire about a person who is proud of their decision to adopt beliefs that are unsupported by any facts and continue to support them in the face of contrary evidence.

Pride in bigotry and ignorance seems an odd thing to admire.
It used to happen in London every Friday when that bloke with the hook hands (in the nick now thank Allah) was the Amir.

If they want to pray in the open air there are plenty of deserts in the middle east where most of them come from, and it might save the UK a few millions from paying them benefits!
I do believe they face mecca 5 times a day, but like others on here I have never seen it happen myself, not once!
If, where I work and they were to do it, we'd get nothing done, can you imagine stopping the procudction line just for the Muslims to pray?
I forgot to add,

how many Muslim women in Burkas have you seen working in supermarkets, high street shops/stores etc?
None I think, so where do they get the money from to live in the UK?

Answer: The British Taxpayers!
beso, no need to criticise me for my opinions. I'm happy for anyone who is happy. there's not enough happiness in this world.

live and let live.
-- answer removed --
I have quite a strong opinion about your avatar :o)
"how many Muslim women in Burkas have you seen working in supermarkets, high street shops/stores etc?
None I think, so where do they get the money from to live in the UK?

Answer: The British Taxpayers!"

and of course, no Muslims pay tax and NI do they...
TCL, that's exactly the view from trt's eyes ;o)
I have only ever seen one praying and that was in a service station on the m4 on a quite lawned area, no problem to anybody, I must admit it did bring a smile to may face and I would certainly of uttered a few words under my breath.
Obviously Muslims have a special tax code so that no deductions are made and their NI Numbers start MU or IS to show they are exempt from NI.

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