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Is your God ever wrong?

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naomi24 | 13:19 Tue 01st Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
143 Answers
Some of the religious here claim that Atheism a religion and that Richard Dawkins is its God. I disagree with some of what Richard Dawkins says, so how do they conclude that he's my God?

Do you, the religious, ever disagree with your God?


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fair point, i suppose a victim might sit there in a pool of smoking embers asking themselves 'was that zeus?'
Surely it would have been Thor that did the lightning anyway.

I just had a thought.

Maybe everthing worked fine when all the original Gods were respected and each made to feel important by their worshippers. Unfortuantely a certain Hebrew war god strarted getting all the attention and got way too big for his real power.

You see this in people like Hitler who actually did have some good ideas until he got carried away with his own sense of self importance. Once God started claiming power over everything the other gods decided they were not going to to trick for His glory yet is unable to doing anything impressive on his own.

Yes that all makes sense. Gods are true and used to work as per the documentation. They all got along fine and helped with each other's acts until then. God is like the kid at school who can't do anything impressive himself but thinks he is powerful through the guys he hangs with. One day they get over it and the pathetic upstart is left to bask alone in their myth of superiority.

It is as good or better hypothesis than the idea that we all went bad and God doesn't like us any more. Lets face it if God really could do impressive tricks he wouldn't be able to help himself. If there was some way of getting compete support from humanity He would jump at it. That is clear from His nature as described in the Bible. Self obsessed, jealous and incredibly vain.
i suppose it could have even been jupiter, susanowo, seth, tlaloc, enlili, vayu or indra if you really think about it.

still if the bolts really hit home and you climbed the cloudy steps to neverland, then you'd be spoilt for choice. although none of them sound that nice - at least not in terms of spending eternity with them.
Well, the Encyclopaedia Britannica calls the Bible “the most influential collection of books in human history.” It has had the widest influence and effect on history of any sacred writings. Hence, it is fair to say that no person can be viewed as completely educated if he has not read the Bible.
yes it has influenced no end of people to go to war, be burnt at the stake and be villified for their sexual orientsation.
@goodlife - we can call them uneducated though if all they have read is the bible - we can call them misguided if they think the bible and the bible alone has all the answers to life.

And we can call them deluded if they think that their religious tomes - such books as the bible, or the koran for that matter - have ancient wisdoms that anticipate modern day science. We can call such followers obsessive fruitloops if they believe in Creationism because their book of verse told them so.

This is my experience of such people - Anyone fanatical enough to place the bible at the very top of their reading list, to thevirtual exclusion of all other writings, anyone willing to quote homily after homily derived from said book of verse and attach special meaning to it, and I will show you someone who is likely unpleasant, obsessive, bigoted,moralising, narrow minded, homophobic and mysoginistic. A deluded individual who rejects the evidence of science and medicine and prefers belief in faith healing and creationism.....

One of those people you would like to move away from, as rapidly as possible, if encountered in a pub or a bus, in other words :)
That's right........

No wo/man is complete unless s/he has read the bible.....

But if s/he accepts without question, then s/he is truly finished.
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^^ :o)))
I was quite strongly influenced by reading the Bible. Until then I thought it was just the basis for a relatively harmless delusion.

IOnce I realised the extent its enshrined bigoty influenced our society I have been actively working to undermine its support wherever I can.
Sandy -

I couldn't help but notice that you have completely failed to address my points about the anthropomorphication of God and your exercise in 'doublethink'. Any comments?
Sandy -

“If anyone was visited by a plague of locusts these days the media might just put it down to a gardening problem. A thunderbolt leaves little room for doubt.”

Surely you're not being serious? Words almost fail me.

Get real. A thunderbolt – or lightening strike to those of us who have grown out of Biblical parlance – is a completely natural phenomena and a surprisingly common occurrence that happens on average about 8.5 millions times per day on Earth (about 100 strikes every second). The number of buildings that are struck by lightening every day number in the hundreds of thousands.

How many plagues of locusts occur every day that affect just one person? None. Not a single one.

So which of these two events is likely to be naturally occurring and which one is clearly a punishment sent from God? You seem to think that a lightening strike is a strange and unusual event that can only mean one thing – God is angry!

Oh please....
My experience of such people those who deny the existence of God either do not believe there is an invisible Creator, or they believe that he has not exercised his power in any superhuman way since creation. But their unbelief does not make the Word of God of no effect. (Rom. 3:3, 4)

It is not necessary for God to perform such miracles at this time to attest to Jesus Christ as his appointed deliverer, or to provide proof that he is backing up his servants.

No even if God should continue to give his servants the ability to perform miracles, that would not convince everyone, for not even all the eyewitnesses of Jesus’ miracles were moved to accept his teachings. (John 12:9-11) On the other hand, scoffers are warned by the Bible that there will yet be stupendous acts of God performed in the destruction of our present world (2 Pet. 3:1-10) it your your lost.
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Hello Goodlife, got your Elderman hat on today then?

//not even all the eyewitnesses of Jesus’ miracles were moved to accept his teachings.//

So are the ones who were moved to accept Jesus' teachings the same people who, at the crucifixion, allegedly witnessed unnatural darkness, earthquake, and saints (Jewish saints? Christianity didn't exist!) rising from their graves and strolling around Jerusalem? Odd that since there is no astronomical, geological, or historical record of any of this occurring, these unknown people were clearly alone in observing such extraordinarily newsworthy events - and not one of them bothered to keep a verifiable record. I'm surprised the Romans didn't notice it really. They were pretty much on the ball in those parts at the time.
Birdie1971, It's been said that man has made God in his own image. I take that to mean that we attribute all that we consider good in ourselves to also be attributes of the Godhead.
That he exists there can be no doubt. That he is the kindly, 'Gentle Jesus meek and mild', chap of Sunday School teachings is moot.
I see him as capricious, sometimes cruel, and not at all gentle.
A line from Exodus 20;4-5 sums him up nicely. 'I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.'
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The God of the bible possesses not the best attributes of man - but the very worst.
Naomi, can we continue to agree to differ? ;-)
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What say we continue to differ? It's more fun! :o)
OK. Though I confess that I nurtured a slight hope that you might have become amenable and submitted to the embrace of Mother Church.
I see now that's not to be. But I shall still pray for you and all the other lost souls here on AB.
And I am afraid your not. most Bible commentators have difficulty explaining verse 53, but you know your Bible you say.
The devil, or deviless, can quote scripture for his/her own purposes.

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