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Is your God ever wrong?

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naomi24 | 13:19 Tue 01st Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
143 Answers
Some of the religious here claim that Atheism a religion and that Richard Dawkins is its God. I disagree with some of what Richard Dawkins says, so how do they conclude that he's my God?

Do you, the religious, ever disagree with your God?


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Sandy, too kind! ;o)

Goodlife/Elderman, //And I am afraid your not.//

If that's addressed to me, I've no idea what you are afraid I'm not. Do please elaborate.

And if you're talking about Isaiah 53, it's very easy to manipulate alleged history in order to fulfil an earlier prophecy. The wily Christian writers did it all the time! Why, they even managed to incorporate the donkey transport into their works! But perhaps you're talking about something else - maybe a book other than the bible - (there are a lot of verses numbered 53 you know) - in which case it would be courteous to say what you mean.
Say is went the day come,then you see
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Goodlife/Elderman, //Say is went the day come,then you see//

What on earth are you trying to say? Have you been at the cooking sherry?
elderman //scoffers are warned by the Bible that there will yet be stupendous acts of God performed in the destruction of our present world //

Again we see the faithful eagerly awaiting the greatest massacre in history.

With the kind of hysteria evident in their posts and the steadfast adherence to the infalibilty of their books they are a serious threat to society. Should they be convinced that the End Time has begun they would not hesitate to participate in the wholesale slaughter of the infidels (whoever their keepers designate them to be).
Sandy - “...But I shall still pray for you and all the other lost souls here on AB...”

Save your breath Sandy. No one's listening; least of all your imaginary sky-fairy.

Please try to snap out of your religious stupor and make some sort of sense. Your last two posts have been unintelligible nonsense.
Is the last entry by Elderman a sort of test, do we have to re arrange the words to discover a hidden message ?

They do like to imagine all of the worst parts that the Old Testament has to offer don't they? As you say, if Armageddon was announced tomorrow, there are some deeply religious people who would be jumping up and down in excitement at the thought of all the 'bad' people burning in hell forever.

How can any sane person enjoy the thought of another person being tortured endlessly with no chance of a reprieve?

The fact that the big three mono-theistic religions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, all subscribe to this utterly ghastly idea is proof that there is something rotten at the core of these religions. No amount of debate can ever overcome the fact that they all teach and believe that hell is real and not an imaginary place; where the souls of real people suffer very real, unending torture, for the 'crime' of not believing in one very specific form of worship.

Twisted stuff in my opinion.
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Vulcan, //Is the last entry by Elderman a sort of test, do we have to re arrange the words to discover a hidden message ? //

I think so. I quite like quizzes, so I'm still working on it. :o)

Birdie, //Twisted stuff in my opinion.//

I can't see how any rational, caring human being can view it otherwise.
talk all you can do, what a pitful lot you are.
And yet still you keep coming back.........
Ah, good, another test.
elderman //talk all you can do, what a pitful lot you are.//

Talk is the intelligent secular way of resolving differences. I am happy that we talk. Not like you who who would happily let the religious ferver overtake them and glady pick up the sword in the tradition of Joshua and his death squads.
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Vulcan, got any clues? I'm still stuck on the first test. :o/

Elderman/Goodlife, do you actually have an argument to offer?
I sometimes feel he may have erred in endowing agnostics with such a formidable combination of intellect and passion about their belief.
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^^ Told you he made mistakes. Now will you believe me? ;o)
Thew fact that you admit he can make mistakes means the very foundations of your faith(atheism) are slipping.
I pray that I may yet be there as your sponsor when you're baptised as an adult and accepted into the church.

Birdie- despite your protestations I shall continue to pray for all ABers including your good self.
naomi, I have come to conclusion there is no hidden message, I can only assume Elderman has been influenced by the Jedi Grand Master, Yoda.
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Sandy, come on, use your imagination. It's clearly vivid. ;o)
Elderman - “ all you can do...”

And what do you suggest as an alternative to talking? All we can do is talk – unless you consider that resorting to violence is a valid alternative to debate. I trust that you don't.

By the way – are you also 'goodlife'? If so, please can you tell me why you feel the need to post under different names? It seems like a rather duplicitous and unnecessary thing to do.

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