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Is your God ever wrong?

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naomi24 | 13:19 Tue 01st Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
143 Answers
Some of the religious here claim that Atheism a religion and that Richard Dawkins is its God. I disagree with some of what Richard Dawkins says, so how do they conclude that he's my God?

Do you, the religious, ever disagree with your God?


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Don't know about all the rest of you but I certainly believe in one God Almighty and he has certainly helped me through the bad times in my life.
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My god doesn't exist and is therefore omniscient.
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spotit3, note he didn't act to shield you from the bad times in your life.
spotit3, you remind me of when im watching these reality emergency hospital type programms on Sky.

Its nearly always the same type of situation, guy gets stabbed, shot, beat up and critically injured, the Hospital team struggle for hours, often days and months, and all the time this guy is claiming: "there was someone up there watching over me" "Thank you God" "The good lord was with me"

I reply yes he watched you get shot, run over stabbed etc!!

It was hard work and skilled Dr., Surgeons, Nurses and "medical science" that saved your sorry arse, not the the invisible man in the sky!
Jesus described this global work when he enumerated various things that would happen in the time of the end. Included in his prophecy was this meaningful statement: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”—Matt. 24:14.
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Ratter, exactly. Someone very dear to me suffered a very painful life-threatening condition and we spent 12 horrendous days not knowing what the outcome would be. When eventually it was over, a Christian acquaintance said with no little degree of spite, 'NOW you have something to thank God for!"

I do? No - I damn well don't! Crass stupidity!
Elderman, you really do live on a different planet dont you lol. Try a taste of reality sometime, its pretty good!!
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Morning Goodlife, got your other hat on again today I see.

Why don't you stop dwelling on death and start living your life?
Ratter15, do you think gave the surgeons etc the brain to be skilled enough to save people's lives?
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spotit, it's just plain silly to attribute anything to something for which there is no evidence. Ask yourself why, if your God gave surgeons the brains to perform complex operations, he didn't think to provide them a bit sooner rather than wait for evolution to do the job for him?
spotit, give yourself some credit, YOU got yourself through those bad times, respect for doing that!
The surgeon has many years of hard work in education and working experience to thank for saving the lives they have, again let's give them some coredit instead of passing it on to someone else who may/ may not have had an influence.
Many persons envy the happy ones, wanting to be that way too. They may try to remedy their unhappiness through artificial means—drugs, heavy use of alcoholic beverages, illicit sex, indolence—and still wonder why happiness eludes them. Any thrills they get from such pursuits amount to a counterfeit happiness, which, under test, is as worthless as counterfeit money.
Which christmas cracker did that nonsense fall out of?

Matthew = someone who never met 'jesus' so is unnlikely to be able to quote him even if he ever existed.
Sorry to burst your bubble but illicit sex and alcohol have given me some of the happiest times of my life ! Not sure about the indolence though :)
Have to agree with Elderman here.
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Spotit, so just like Elderman, whom I presume is talking about atheists, you can't attack the message so you resort to attacking the messenger - even though you haven't the foggiest idea who he is or how he lives. What nonsense!
Yes bad news affects others and not us, there is often an element of curiosity; some even enjoy learning about the misfortune of others. This may partly explain why bad news sells so well!
I wasn't aware that I had attacked anyone. God is love.

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