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Is It Possible to Build Faith in a Creator?

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Elderman | 16:33 Wed 09th Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
92 Answers
When I thought about the possibility of a Creator, it made me angry to think that someone might have the power to prevent human suffering but was not prepared to use it!” Thus said one former atheist who lost family members in the Holocaust. He was hardly alone in feeling as he did.


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I haven't heard anyone call Muslims Mohammedans in decades.
Don`t remember complaining but Jesus came to bring the GOOD NEWS and that`s exactly what he did.
Redheadthere, There you go! There are some bits you like. Are you sure they aren't just bad translations?
Naomi. Didnt see your reply. It`s not that I just chose to like the fact that the angels said, "Behold I bring you news of great joy which shall be unto all people... it really was the reason he came, to save mankind from sin.
Another one for the Nuthouse Noah Ark
Redheadthere, If you concede that the bible contains errors - which you do - then logically the whole of it must be called into question, so how do you decide which bits are 'bad translations' and which bits aren't?
All aboard, DT!! :o)
Clearly, the 'bad translations' are the parts you don't agree with. Simples
// hell . . . will last forever; its suffering will have no end.” //

I know where you're coming from, my wife's got a couple of Phil Collins albums too.
You're not a fan either then Naomi? :o)
Ha ha! Oops, sorry, my last was meant for Sandy. (That was funny!). :o)
You don't really 'do' dialogue do you "Elderman".
You smell of Joeboe to me (they don't generally 'do' dialogue either).
And that. :o)

Night all. x
Oops. Dunnit again! My last was meant for Ludwig. :o)

What's Joeboe, AP?
LOL - a Jehovah's Witness
Oh, right. Never heard that expression. Thanks, AP.

Got to go to bed. Night all - again. x
Naomi24, the most popular bible today is the King James` version. It`s a copy of a copy of who knows how many. So it`s widely believed that due to human errors and over enthusiastic churchmen, bishops, monks etc it`s not translated without error from the original manuscript. In short it cannot contain a teaching of an all loving God who promise to forgive sins and at the same time he punishes forever the majority of his creation.
There was a 'sinners bible' which presented a brief opportunity to bring its teachings closer to what many people would want to hear.
It omitted 'not' from the 7th commandment.
How can we build faith in Elderman?

His posts are just chunks of drivel dredged up from Watchtower with bible quotes.

He never contirbutes meaningfully to a discussion.

I think he's taking the mickey by throwing out these posts and watching you all get agitated.

Don't reply - he may go away...

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